The city
The S.D.G.

The kingdom

The land

The Dark Axis
The army


GBA Game
PS2 Game

Anime Adaptation
SDGF Gaiden
Musha Retsuden
Superior Defender World Series
by Cybertoy00

   My first SD Gundam Force fic! Four teams, representing the four nationalities of SD Gundam Force, play baseball against each other! Zako zako!

Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8

Superior Defender World Series
7. LeoLeo Hour

If you were a first-time visitor to the beautiful kingdom of Lacroa, the sight you would be drawn to would not be the marvelous royal castle, but the giant structure it was built around. The Spirit Tree might be the oldest living thing in Lacroa, and the kingdom founders had beenwise not to chop it down and put up a castle, but rather constructthe building in formation with the Tree. And so, the castle was considered the symbol of Lacroa’s unity with magic and nature. It was also vaguely ironic that people thought living in a tree was safe during one of the land’s less-than pleasant thunderstorms.

Shute gazed out of the stain glass windows and sighed, glad he was out of safely out of the rain, but, for a ten-year-old boy, effectively bored out of his mind. And it was SUCH a nice day…

“Are you alright, Shute?”

Shute turned around to see Princess Rele, out of her baseball team uniform, and into a dress more suited for a princess. In fact, aside for the color, Shute was sure all her dresses looked the same…

“I’m fine, but, man! Look at this rain! Isn’t there any magic that could, you know, stop this?” Shute gestured wildly out the window. Rele giggled lightly.

“I understand, but all weather-changing magicks have been banned from the kingdom, Shute” Rele answered, smiling apologetically.

Shute looked down, a little bummed out, then he looked back up a Rele, smiling, and said, “Oh well, but thanks for letting my family stay in the castle.”

Rele nodded, “you’re welcome Shute. I met your family earlier. They’re very nice.”

Shute grinned, “Yeah, I know.”


Shute looked at her, “But?”

Rele looked away, a little unsure of herself, “I have the most odd feeling I’ve met your father before…”

“But you’ve never met my dad,” Shute said, giving the princess a weird look, “You didn’t stay in Neotopia long enough to meet anyone not part of the team!”

“I know, that’s what bothers me-”

“Hello Shute, your majesty.”

Shute and Rele turned away from their conversation to greet the new arrival, Captain Gundam.

“Hi, Captain! What’s up?” Shute asked his friend. Captain currently had his faceplate folded in to reveal his mouth.

“I can’t find Zero or Bakunetsumaru,” Answered the Neoptopian Gundam, “Have either of you seen them?”

As it turned out, neither Shute nor Rele had seen the Knight or Musha since the it started raining.

Rele looked out the window. “I hope they are not outside,”

Shute looked at the princess like she was crazy. “Are you nuts? It’s a monsoon! Why would those two be outside!”


As it turned out, Zero and Bakunetsumaru WERE still outside. They had been too busy staring each other down, that by the time they realized it was raining, the ground had muddied up so much that the Knight and Musha Gundams were stuck!

A Pawn Leo baring an umbrella walked by. “Just want you guys to know, pawn,” the little SD Leo said, “Next week have a jousting match out here.”


Rele looked at Shute. “I suppose you’re right.”


Deep inside the caverns of Lacroa…




“ZakoZako Hour!”

“Hello everyone,” Red Mic Zako soldier said, stading between Yellow Mic and Blue Mic Zako soldiers, “And welcome to the ZakoZako Hour! Today’s meeting is all about-”

Red Mic was cut off as a Pawn Leo leapt ‘onstage’(For lack of a better term). A brief silence ensued.

Red Mic finally asked, “What do you think you’re doing here, zako?”

“Don’t think you can steal the show like you did last time!” Snarled Blue Mic, “We’re ready for you this time, whaddya say to that!”

Pawn Leo didn’t say anything. First, he held up a card, and then said, “Execute the lightning magick, pawn!”

“Lightning magick?”

The Zakos barely had enough time to contemplate this three bolts of lightning blasted them away!



The captain Pawn Leo picked up the red microphone, as two lesser ranked Pawn Leo appeared and took the other microphones. The Red Mic Leo waved to the ‘audience’ of Mms. “Welcome, to the LeoLeo Hour! Today’s meeting is all about-”

The other Leos chimed in, “What a disappointment today’s game was!”

Since Mms were immaterial and looked like floating jellyfish, they could not applaude. They did, to their credit, shimmer more than usual.

“I CAN’T believe the game got rained out, pawn,” Cried Blue Mic Leo in dismay, “It was so disappointing!”

“Don’t worry, pawn,” Yellow Mic Leo said, “Maybe they’ll pick up where they left off tomorrow.”

“Pawn, that won’t be happening, pawn,” Said Red Mic Leo, “There isn’t enough time.”

“There isn’t?” Asked the other two Pawn Leos.

“Nope,” Replied Red Mic Leo, “Cybertoy00 could only requisite enough time for four games total, pawn.”

“That’s too bad, pawn,” Remarked Blue Mic Leo. No one seemed to notice the growing sound of running water. “How will we decide who wins?”

“Well, pawn,” Said Red Mic Leo, “Since both teams were tied, and the game ended before any the final pitch, that means the Lacroa Paladins and the Ark Yamatos tie for third place.”

“Does anyone else hear that?” Asked Yellow Mic Leo, putting a hand to his ‘ear’.

“Hear what?” Asked Red Mic Leo, a little too late.

As you may(or may not) have guessed, the caverns of Lacroa are not the safest place to be whenever it rains, for one specific reason. They FLOOD. And one flood had found its way to the LeoLeo Hour!


“PAWN!” Screamed the hapless hosts, as they were swept away by the water.

The Mms, unaffected, shimmered again.

Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
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