<-- Dec 2003                                                      Feb 2004 -->

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/58                      Posted        Author
Repliforce Idle List               Thu Jan 01    Scorpio
The following four characters have been idle for two or more months, and are 
thus up for nuking. Their players need to @mail me if they don't want these 
OCs destroyed.

Inferno Falcon
Platinum Mouse
Eruption Echidna

Also, the end has come, shelfwise, for Archer Colossus and Canopy Jabberwock. 
They'll be nuked soon unless they're unshelved.

Happy New Year!

                         Scorpio, first boss of Megaman X7


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/59                      Posted        Author
Hunter Nuke List                   Thu Jan 01    Leo


The following characters will be EXPLODINATED on January 15th:

Signal Shrike
Naomi Mikalov
Anarchy Diptera
Shinobi Hedgehog

Those who wish to avoid an EXPLODINATED fate should contact Leo immediately, 
or face total destruction.

-- Leo


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/60                      Posted        Author
Up for review...                   Fri Jan 02    Timer Review Object
Royal: Spica is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of her recent performance in 
the administrative position of Random App Eater/Keeper of Bloopers.

Wizard: Mercury is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of their recent performance 
in the administrative position of Padishah Empress of the Known Facstaff.

Fachead: Dr. Doppler is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of his recent performance in 
their position of Father of the Reploid Nation.

To do this, go to the OOC Lounge and use the Admin Review Machine <ARM>. 
+rreview for Royals, +wreview for Wizards, and +creview for Fachead members.

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/61                      Posted        Author
Deep in the pyramids...            Sun Jan 04    Castor
The archeologist exhuming the tomb of the ancient pharaoh made a very 
interesting discovery... Passing scores of traps and hidden doors, and falling 
deep into the bowls of the pyramid.... Where he expected jewels, gold, or 
artifacts from the great ruler's death... He found only a huge jar of mummified 

Pharaoh Man has reached the 200-cookie mark... Congratulations!

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/62                      Posted        Author
The latest Maverick warrior..      Sun Jan 04    Mars
...Cookietron, who shall be Sigma's right hand reploid, with the Choco-cannon, 
able to level cities, is undercontruction. And Doppler has the 200 cookies to 
build that beast!

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/63                      Posted        Author
Brain Food                         Sun Jan 04    Polaris
That's what cookies are! At least, that's what it seems like. If Ayla Ericson 
goes through 100 of them like that, they gotta be good for you! Anyways, give 
it up for the Musica Wunderkinder at reaching the 100 mark!

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/64                      Posted        Author
NOTICE: Idle Timers                Sun Jan 04    Neptune
               READ THIS!!

As stated time and time again, IC idle timers are NOT acceptable here for any 
reason. If you are IC, you are expected to be RPing, taking care of IC 
business, or a bare MINIMUM of OOC chatting. There is a very good reason the 
IC-idle kick command is built in to this MUSH. 

If you want to remain online and not get kicked off the MUSH because your 
connection is idle, please see 'help idle'. You are expected to be OOC when 
using this command, as it will not count toward your IC active time. Idle 
timers that send a command such as 'think <whatever>' every couple of minutes 
or similar commands that trigger while you are not at your screen will NOT be 
tolerated. Any players found using such commands will be dealt with harshly. 
OCs as well as FC/SFC/EFCs. If you have any questions, please talk to the admin.

Neptune, Assistant Director

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/65                      Posted        Author
Time Change                        Mon Jan 05    Duo

Please disregard the post about the IC timers being moved back a couple of 
days. They'll be reset to their normal settings as soon as I can get it fixed. 
The decision was made without proper discussion, and was made in haste. We 
apologize for the inconvienence.

As for not being around for holiday RP. In real life, we have Christmas 
parties on days other than Christmas, at least in /my/ real world I do. I 
don't really see why a slight suspension of disbelief, or slight fudging of 
time is too much of a hassle to do during the holidays, rather than offsetting 
our entire time scheme that was built the way it is in order to be less 
confusing. :D

But, anywho, again, sorry about the confusion, as of now, assume that the 
clocks are wrong, and that the IC date is the same as the current RL date 
until we get it fixed. Thanks! :D


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/66                      Posted        Author
A Reminder                         Mon Jan 05    Duo

You know, we do allow changes to +fingers of FCs when you app them. This does 
include General and Colonel, so you could certainly change them back to 
similiar ones they used to have if you so chose. Do keep in mind that General 
is not getting the Apocalypse Cannon back under any circumstance, however. 
And keep in mind that there's two sides to the coin on changing profiles. 
What was true for an old player, might not be for a new. We /are/ working on a 
new command, that will give an official theme background for each of the EFCs 
and some of the SFCs (and maybe even FCs if we get the time, but man, that's a 
lot of characters :D). We'll probably make the command OC Accessible too, just 
in FC concerns, the background won't be changable by the player. So we can 
keep some loose guidelines for major characters, but still give people enough 
flexibility to not continue things they're not comfortable with, or see as out 
of character.


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/67                      Posted        Author
Public Thanks                      Mon Jan 05    Duo

To all of you who submitted reviews to the GRM. I encourage you guys to use it 
more often, especially right as issues come up. While I'd prefer you guys come 
directly to me, using the GRM is a great way for you guys to make your 
opinions heard (as all of the reviews are posted to the admin boards) and 
while still keeping your anonymitity if you so chose to keep it (not that 
having an opinion will get you fired, unless that opinion is that you should 
be able to play Bubble Man as a body builder with a bordello business on the 
side and three wives with two kids and a puppy that's also your son, you get 
the picture). But, they'll all help me immensely in my work on trying to clean 
things up and such, so thank you again to all of you who provided your 
feedback. :D


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/68                      Posted        Author
Do the Admin Shuffle               Tue Jan 06    Capricorn

It's just a step to the left, and then a twist to the right...
Stepping down from TP Wizard to Multi-Roy(tm) for now. I'll no longer be in 
charge of TPs, but I'll still be on as admin, in a capacity that is as of yet 
not fully defined.


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/66                      Posted        Author
Hunter Nuke List (Second Warning)  Wed Jan 07    Leo


The following characters will be EXPLODINATED on January 15th:

Signal Shrike
Naomi Mikalov
Shinobi Hedgehog

Those who wish to avoid an EXPLODINATED fate should contact Leo immediately, 
or face total destruction.

-- Leo


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/67                      Posted        Author
Rigger's Post to 16                Thu Jan 08    Duo

It's currently 16/16, but tommorrow it'll probably a lower number, regardless. 
I think everyone should read that post, because it pretty much wraps up in a 
few paragraphs what i feel is the biggest problem with M3. As we play here now, 
we could get away with having a grid that consisted of six rooms for each of 
the faction bases, one bar, and an arena, and we'd probably get by just as well 
as we do now.

There are a lot of rooms out there on the grid, each one of them most likely 
has a very well done desc that was done by a player just like you long ago, 
when we asked the playerbase for help in descing this place when we opened 
prematurely (oops! ^^). Be aware of your environment, move around, make your 
character flow from login to logout like Rigger notes. Don't just stick 
around for the omgbattle or the omgdrama, stay for both, and have a complete 
meal. :D Wander around the grid, if you bump into someone at /least/ leave 
them one pose about you walking by. Augh, it drives me /nuts/ to watch people 
just -dash- on by me on the grid. Being IC should be a fulltime thing, you 
should take some time getting from place to place, stop and talk to people, go 
out and experience an actual adventure, rather than an episodic miniseries 
full of battles and random insults. You dig?


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/68                      Posted        Author
Up for review...                   Fri Jan 09    Timer Review Object
Royal: Leo is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of his recent performance in 
the administrative position of Maverick Hunter d00d.

Wizard: Neptune is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of his recent performance in 
the administrative position of Crusty Assistant Director.

Fachead: Zero is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of his recent performance in 
their position of Not to be confused with Hero.

To do this, go to the OOC Lounge and use the Admin Review Machine <ARM>. 
+rreview for Royals, +wreview for Wizards, and +creview for Fachead members.

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/65                      Posted        Author
Caught with his hand in the jar    Wed Jan 14    Neptune

If you notice a shortage of Oreos, Chips Ahoy!, Malamars, snickerdoodles, and 
any other kind of cookie, you can blame Gemini Man. He's managed to round up 
500!!! cookies!

Congrats, Gem.... your Jenny Craig packet is in the mail.

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/65                      Posted        Author
Hunter Nuke List FINAL WARNING     Thu Jan 15    Leo


The following characters will be EXPLODINATED at 8 pm EST on January 15th 

Signal Shrike
Naomi Mikalov
Shinobi Hedgehog

Those who wish to avoid an EXPLODINATED fate should contact Leo post-haste.

-- Leo


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/65                      Posted        Author
Litter and you                     Thu Jan 15    Castor
Hey guys. Just walking around the grid today, I've tripped over two different 
objects named 'Pose Order.' I figure this is a symptom of a larger problem.

Please remember to clean up your stuff. Making objects is all part of the 
game, but if a temporary object is no longer needed, clean it up when you are 
done. After all, you have a limited object quota, so it's silly to waste it on 
things that you accidentally leave lying around.

For those that are FCs, and have objects lying around in the database from 
previous players, you can see what you own with an easy command. Use @search 
me, then examine with the dbref of the objects you find, to see things. Thanks 
to Vile for reminding me to put this edit on the post. And thank you all!

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/66                      Posted        Author
Up for review...                   Fri Jan 16    Timer Review Object
Royal: Capricorn is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of her recent performance in 
the administrative position of Coffee Maker.

Wizard: Uranus is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of his recent performance in 
the administrative position of That Guy / Mr. Fix-It.

Fachead: General is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of his recent performance in 
their position of Repliforce BigHat!.

To do this, go to the OOC Lounge and use the Admin Review Machine <ARM>. 
+rreview for Royals, +wreview for Wizards, and +creview for Fachead members.

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/60                      Posted        Author
GSTE                               Wed Jan 21    Duo

Begins on Saturday, probably sometime between 4-6 PM EST. Perhaps later, 
depending on when we can get everyone assembled. Scientists who want to make 
presentations at the convention need to @mail me no later than Friday night so 
I can get you scheduled.

The TP starts sometime this weekend during some point of the GSTE.

I'm just not telling you when. So if you don't wanna miss anything, it's 
probably best you attend the Expo. :D

All IO TP characters will be contacted starting today so passwords can be 
handed out and people can get their characters setup. You can also go IC, but 
you can only RP with other IOs, mostly just to get you guys an opportunity to 
get a good feel for your characters before unleashing them on the rest of the 
world. :D


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/61                      Posted        Author
TP Characters                      Thu Jan 22    Duo

Bug me today for your passwords, I'll be here all day. :D


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/62                      Posted        Author
A REMINDER                         Thu Jan 22    Duo

Irregular Overlords will be logging in. Do not bug them for RP, as they aren't 
allowed to RP with the rest of you until after the GSTE. They're getting their 
characters now to set them up and get some factional RP and such to get warmed 
up and into character.


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/63                      Posted        Author
GSTE                               Fri Jan 23    Duo

Will officially begin tommorrow around 6-8 EST. I'd give a more exact time, 
but I like to leave room for people to show up and such. :D Once most of the 
scientists have gathered and we've got a good crowd, it'll get underway.


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/64                      Posted        Author
News Files                         Fri Jan 23    Duo

Were lost in our crash. Not sure why they're gone. Also, I'd fix Videoland too 
for you monkeys, but Scorpio apparently changed the password so I can't get it 
up either. Same goes for BoC (which I never had access too, so you people are 
out of luck too. :D)

We'll get the news files fixed ASAP.


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/65                      Posted        Author
Up for review...                   Fri Jan 23    Timer Review Object
Royal: Scorpio is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of his recent performance in 
the administrative position of Replifizzle Charstizzle.

Wizard: Duo is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of his recent performance in 
the administrative position of El Presidente (Director, Theme Wiz).

Fachead: Rock is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of his recent performance in 
their position of The whole Dang MUSH!.

To do this, go to the OOC Lounge and use the Admin Review Machine <ARM>. 
+rreview for Royals, +wreview for Wizards, and +creview for Fachead members.

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/66                      Posted        Author
Review Who?                        Fri Jan 23    Scorpio
Review me! Yes, review me folks! Granted, it's been my mostly-off month, due 
to computer problems, being home for Christmas, and whatnot, but review me 
nonetheless. LEMME HAVE IT!

                         Scorpio, first boss of Megaman X7


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/67                      Posted        Author
GSTE Set-up                        Sat Jan 24    Neptune

Okay, folks. The GSTE will be held in Torontreal, Southern Downtown, at the 
Fort York Expo Center. Demonstrators can ICly arrive anytime now to set up 
their booths (try to limit actual objects if possible to avoid room clutter), 
and as mentioned before the event itself will start between 6-8 pm EST.

Big Fish

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/68                      Posted        Author
GSTE Regulations                   Sat Jan 24    Duo

Please try to prewrite your presentations if you're making them.

Do not pose speaking out loud unless it's directed at the scientist giving a 
presentation, and not until after he's concluded his opening explaination.

Do not nitpick over semantical scientific details, remember, at M3 things 
don't always make sense.

If you want to talk to others in the room, please use the 'mutter' command. 
For information on how it works, please see '+help mutter'.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. :D


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/67                      Posted        Author
Combat Code                        Tue Jan 27    Dan
         I've just been informed from two different sources on two different 
mushes, that someone is trying to obtain a copy of the combat code from here. 
If you see this being done, you have a simple answer to give. No. :D I do not 
hand out the code for the combat system here for a number of reasons. First 
being I cherish the time I put into it, second that I wasn't the original 
creator of it, and third its not for public distribution. If anyone continues 
to ask, please point them at me or let me know. Thanks! :D

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/68                      Posted        Author
Apologies                          Wed Jan 28    Duo

For being gone the past two days. My powah went out due to an ice storm, and 
cuz South Carolina apparently isn't well prepared for such occurances. The 
power just now came back on, two and half days later, but hey, at least it's 
back on. (OF course, I have to work tonight too, gotta love my luck.)


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/67                      Posted        Author
Scorpio                            Thu Jan 29    Duo

His computer is broken, thus, Repliforce matters may move a bit more slowly. 
I'll be assigning another admin to the Repliforce in the time being ASAP to 
cover any delays.


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/68                      Posted        Author
Zero ruins his favorite brush.     Thu Jan 29    Mars
Rock and Dr. Light peer into Zero's room. "How long has he been in there?", 
the good doctor asks. "Three hours. Non-stop." "Three? Hrm. This is 
distressing." "Yea, we know he loves his hair, but this is nuts."

About that time, Blues strolls by, "That's what 200 cookies will do to you."

Inside, Zero sobs, still brushing his hair, "Stupid crumbs!"

============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/69                      Posted        Author
Hey TP Characters                  Fri Jan 30    Duo

I forgot to tell you. You guys are granted hour amnesty for the duration of 
the TP. Cuz we all know holding down TP chars and regular chars is really hard 
sometimes. (We would still like to see you logging your regular characters on 
though. ;D)


============================= Game Announcements =============================
Message: 2/70                      Posted        Author
Up for review...                   Fri Jan 30    Timer Review Object
Royal: Betelgeuse is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of his recent performance in 
the administrative position of Webdroid *and* helpstaff! Whatta deal!.

Wizard: Mercury is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of their recent performance 
in the administrative position of Padishah Empress of the Known Facstaff.

Fachead: Epsilon is up for review.

Please take a moment to give an anonymous review of his recent performance in 
their position of .

To do this, go to the OOC Lounge and use the Admin Review Machine <ARM>. 
+rreview for Royals, +wreview for Wizards, and +creview for Fachead members.

<-- Dec 2003                                                      Feb 2004 -->

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