<-- Apr-Jun 2005                                              Jan-Jun 2006 -->

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 33/14                     Posted        Author
Gate Class #2                      Fri Jul 01    Ciel
So as not to conflict with Sunday's scene, Gate's Robotics class will be 
happening Saturday afternoon/evening, whenever we can get as many people there.

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============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 33/14                     Posted        Author
Class Reschedule                   Sat Jul 02    Gate

In light of Bossa Nova's recent death, Gate's class has been postponed a few 
days in order to allow the family to grieve. OOCly, my weekend is getting shot 
to pieces. I'll try to work out a date next week. :)


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 33/15                     Posted        Author
Friday!                            Tue Jul 05    Max Armour
Interpol vs Yakuza. In other words, anyone who has an excuse vs anyone bad who 
has an excuse, in a massive raid on Mikage Pharmaceuticals. Likely will begin 
4 or 5 EST.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 33/16                     Posted        Author
Goings On                          Wed Jul 06    Dr. Takeshi Shinchiro
Goings on may be happening with certin parties on sunny Eurasia, this friday 
starting at 2 pm EST. 

Its intended to be a short, but very public scene, so please don't feel left 
out or anything, I'll make it up to people who aren't in a position to join in 
the fun. Apologies for vagueness, but keeping it a suprise and all.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 33/17                     Posted        Author
WDS-BDS Fight                      Thu Jul 07    Yosho Roshi
Our brave blades shall clash
While the sun sets in the sea.
Strider battle soon.

This Saturday, at 8 PM EST, White Dragon raid on Cairo HQ. Be there or be 

"We sacrifice our innocence, so others do not have to." - Black Dragon Credo

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/15                     Posted        Author
Fun times                          Fri Jul 08    Colonel
Do you want to see Colonel slaving over a hot grill and wearing a silly chef's 
hat? I know you do. Sunday afternoon. Central Park. New York, Grillmaster 
Colonel and the minions of RF will be serving up some All-American grub. Open 
to all!

Colonel - For Honor and Glory.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
Robotics Class #2                  Fri Jul 08    Gate
Sunday Evening, 7-8PM Central!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/15                     Posted        Author
Tonight                            Sat Jul 16    Jane Moya
NA Vs RMs- Fire Squad and whoever wants in vs all Masters. Scene is defending a 
drone factory from destruction in Hokkaido. Test your mettle, or your metal!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
Vile Palace                        Sat Jul 16    Sigma
There will be a Vile Palace scene Sunday evening (July 17), starting whenever 
we have a sizable number of people on (let's say, around 7 Eastern). Mavericks 
and Heroes are invited.

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============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/17                     Posted        Author
Bonnes & Friends VS RMs            Tue Jul 19    Pirate Man

        After some planning and phone-tag, it has been decided that NEXT 
Thursday (the one after this week's), at roughly 6pm EST, the Robot Masters 
are going to lay a trap for the Bonnes. This /is/ a factional event, so any 
friends of the Bonnes are welcome to attend. Hopefully there will be a 
plentiful amount of Masters to go around. Now, I'm actually leaving for almost 
three weeks soon, so I'm going to be leaving the whole TP in the hands of 
Wily, Tron, and Teisel.

        Until this Thursday, I am available for any inqueries, but after that 
you will have to direct questions to just those three.

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============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/18                     Posted        Author
Sunday, Basilisk                   Wed Jul 20    General

 This is for Interpol, the Hunters and Repliforce. The people in the CoC area 
will have all received invitations, ICly, to an "opening ceremony" at the 
"newly renovated Basilisk Station". The teleportation information will be sent 
shortly before the event begins. 

 The time is 8pm EDT. That is Sunday, July 24th 2218(2005).

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/15                     Posted        Author
Basilisk & crap                    Mon Jul 25    General

 Not enough CoC'ers showed up for the pre-scheduled little wooo so it didn't 
happen. We'll just wait until a bunch of CoCers are about and have time to 
have our little get together on the Basilisk.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
Scene                              Mon Jul 25    Sigma
There'll be a Maverick non-TP event tomorrow (Tuesday). Ideally noncombat, but 
you know how violent the heroes are. Tentatively scheduled for 7 Eastern. 
Anyone interested is welcome.

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============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/15                     Posted        Author
Tonight                            Wed Jul 27    Alloy
There will be violence on the Neo Arcadia hub. Take part as valiant heroes 
trying to delay the NAers' latest plans for woooorld domination, valiant 
heroes fighting off insidious invaders, or sit on the sidelines and MiST the 
battle. Any of the above works.

Hoping to start around 8ish EST. Best laid plans and all that, though...

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
RF Rally!                          Thu Jul 28    Iris
Since Sigma doesn't get to have all the fun.

Friday Evening, ~8 PM CST; exact location TBA.

There will be pie.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/17                     Posted        Author
Scene Postponement                 Thu Jul 28    Tron Bonne

        Due to lack of Dr. Wily-age, the Bonne/RM fight is going to have to be 
postponed for this weekened.

        Stay tuned for further updates!

-+-+ The Lego Queen Cometh! +-+-+ Tron Bonne! +-+-

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
Hunt the Resistance                Sat Jul 30    Cinnamon
At 2pm CST today, the Neo Arcadians will be trying to prove their worth to the 
ADF by assisting them in the collapse of one of Foucalt's Resistance bases. 
Mavericks and Arcadians are welcome, as we try and pull off something like MMZ 
with a twist! Expect NPC and RPed combat and bring your Pantheons!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/17                     Posted        Author
Bonne vs RM Scene...               Sun Jul 31    Tron Bonne

        ...Will sadly be postponed a little longer.

        We'll keep you informed! It'll happen later on this week, or maybe even 
later today if Dr. Wily shows up!

        But, likely we'll do it when more people can be around and all sorts of 
fun can be had.

-+-+ The Lego Queen Cometh! +-+-+ Tron Bonne! +-+-

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
Potential Scene, RF/NA             Tue Aug 02    General

 Friday night there /might/ be a scene between NA and RF. It won't be a full 
throttle "DEATH TO ALL" but more of a covert yet still damaging attack against 
NA by RF. 

 Will be led by Colonel, Storm Owl or General

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/17                     Posted        Author
DOJO OF EVIL                       Tue Aug 02    Fianait

        A certain as-of-this-moment-unnamed dojo of evil located in the 
business area of Hong Kong, funded and taught by Mavericks, will be having a 
scene Wednesday August 3rd, likely beginning around 9 PM EST.

        Be there, or be some kind of geometrical shape. 


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/18                     Posted        Author
Postponed                          Wed Aug 03    Fianait

        Dojo scene postponed. Likely for a few days, until I get more time off 
work. Will happen soon. Good guys, lemme know who's interested in what with 
this, too! 


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/14                     Posted        Author
Boot Camp                          Thu Aug 04    General

 Rush Raccoon and Storm Owl are hammering it out, and soon Repliforce will be 
having a sort of boot camp outside of London near the Damn Stubborn. 

 Any of the good guy groups are welcome to come free of charge. 
 Neo Arcadians, Mavericks and Robot Masters will be shot on sight. 

 If you want to join in on this talk to Rush or the Owl.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/13                     Posted        Author
RM vs Bonnes Retry                 Mon Aug 08    Pirate Man

        Well, I'm back from vacation and I see things fell through on the plan 
to kill some Bonnes, so we're gonna try this again. This Wednesday at 7pm EST 
the RMs will be laying a trap for the Bonnes. Those interested may participate 
on either side.

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============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/14                     Posted        Author
Beans Spilled!                     Mon Aug 08    Kim Takushi

        Apparently, a youngin' spilled the beans on when the next rally was! 
He's being held against his will with Ice cream and chocolate. 

        Anyways. The scene will be on Tuesday, August 9th. The time will be 
9:30 Eastern time. 

Contact Kim Takushi if needed. Also, there will be many chances in this TP. One 
rally wouldn't probably wouldn't do it! Any one interested is welcome to come 
down to the rally. Everyone's welcome.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/15                     Posted        Author
RF vs NA, Lightning Round!         Wed Aug 10    Red
Repliforce Vs. Neo-Arcadia, let mortal kombat begin!
This Friday at 7pm, beeee theeeere! 


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
Sunday (Sunday Sunday)             Fri Aug 12    Sigma
Sunday afternoon and evening will be Tol Eressea opening ceremonies and all 
manner of related scenes. All interested parties are invited.

(Note, however, that these may be large, theoretically nonviolent scenes - any 
person initiating violence runs the risk of being mercilessly gangbeaten to an 
extent requiring significantly elongated recovery time)

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============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/17                     Posted        Author
Interpol v RM Hackers              Sun Aug 14    Zach Glen
Sunday! The 21st of August, about 8pm EST! Interpol versus the Robot Masters. 
In CYBERSPACE! Be there or be square.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/18                     Posted        Author
Stomping through the snow          Sun Aug 14    Foucalt
Hunters! Do /you/ want to visit the SECRET BASE in Antarctica? Do you want to 
get revenge for the destruction of the FiSH? Then Wednesday is your day! 7-ish 
Central time (8 Eastern, 5 Pacific). Be there or cry!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/18                     Posted        Author
The Calming                        Sun Aug 14    Pirate Man

        The response to Pirate Man's calls for supporters has gradually died 
down over the past few weeks leaving broken nests and empty jobs in its wake. 
It is unclear just what the exact numbers are, but estimates are high, some 
even speculating that numerous unexplained disappearances and 'murders' with 
no body are related.

        Pirate Man himself has made no further announcements or comments on the 
matter, though, rumor is that there is still someone out there recruiting 
individuals. So far no one has made any actual connection between this and 
Pirate Man's call.

        (OOC: Inquiries to Pirate Man.)

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============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/19                     Posted        Author
We Are Legion                      Mon Aug 15    Leo

There will be an Incident in cyberspace on Wednesday at around 9 pm EST.

Show up. Or don't.


"Hail, I'm GM Quinnly," he told one young knight accused of killing a friend 
and then looting his corpse. "GMs suck ass," the knight responded.


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/20                     Posted        Author
Australian Antics                  Thu Aug 18    Gatts
IN Australia...the land down unda'

        Be there when Hu Man takes a soapbox in an anti-Neo Arcadian rally 

Be there! Or be a two dimensional plane.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/14                     Posted        Author
RF Scene: Boot Camp Graduation!    Mon Aug 29    Rush Raccoon
On Friday, Sept 2nd, in the evening sometime.. (6ish.. 7ish..?) RF's Boot Camp 
will be graduating! Basically... RF get to run "The Gauntlet" (Super. Huge. 
TOUGH Obstacle course) and then theres a little Ceremony after with a nice 
speech. So //PLEASE// Be there! Thanks! ~Rush

-Major Rush Raccoon.
-Repliforce Internal Affairs Division Commander.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/15                     Posted        Author
ROCKETSLED                         Mon Aug 29    Hector Kausmann
The Rocketsled Downhill Open will be taking place at 6 PM EST, this Wednesday. 
Be there or be square.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
You Sank My Battleship             Tue Aug 30    General

 Saturday at about 5:00 PM EST - 6:00 PM EST a battle shall erupt in the 
Atlantic Ocean between Repliforce and Neo Arcadia. 
 On the side of good shall reside Jet Stingray standing stalwart and proving to 
one and all that he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, leading the awesome 
forces of righteousness and justice and all that. On the other side we'll see 
the girly Harpuia dancing in the sky while he makes quips and chops people 

 Open to peoples who want to show.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/17                     Posted        Author
Tomorrow!                          Tue Aug 30    Templar Fefnir
In the early evening because I forgot to ask Dash what time he wants! 

Neo Arcadia being underhanded! Interpol, catching them! Fires being set! Fefnir 
in a fake mustache! 

Be there!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/10                     Posted        Author
Fear and Loathing in Neo Arcadia!  Fri Sep 09    Krieger Wolf
Tonight at 6 PM EST, something big is going down. Repliforce and Neo Arcadia 
will be throwing down over the fate of the Reploid Recycling Center! Be there 
or be a square of recycled metal.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/11                     Posted        Author
Re: Tonight's Scene                Fri Sep 09    Krieger Wolf
Apparently we're going out to dinner tonight sometime after six, so that means 
I might very well end up missing my own scene. :( Oh well, someone else will 
have to take over running it on the good-guy end, I guess.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/12                     Posted        Author
Re: Re: Tonight's Scene.           Fri Sep 09    Krieger Wolf
How 'bout postponing 'til 8 PM EST? That should give me plenty of time to get 
back here, it'll let the scene currently running in Sydney peter out 
beforehand, and allow people who might be in on the VL TP at 6 to show.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/13                     Posted        Author
Go Wily Go Wily Go                 Sat Sep 10    Dr. Wily

        Tomorrow the Wilydrome will rise from the depths of the earth and 
attack the UCSA. Come one and come all to stop them.
        It will be in the evening, around 6:00 CST. Punch and pie will be 

 _      __
|||Dr. ///

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/13                     Posted        Author
Re: UCLA attack                    Sun Sep 11    Gemma
Scene status of intended UCLA attack is unclear. When the original post was 
made, Wily was referring to Saturday night (the 10th) rather than what might 
be indicated by a post made early that same morning.

Therefore, there MAY be a large attack tonight (Sept 11? ... oops) or there may 
not be.

If there isn't one, the RMs will provide a large internal scene for your 
continued amusement, regardless. Gemini and Crystal still have evil plans. 
Heh. >_>

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/13                     Posted        Author
Friday Beatdown                    Mon Sep 12    Mirror Orange
During this Friday, in Neo Tokyo. It is mainly me and whatever Mavs want to 
come - it's a free-for-all, although other good guys are welcome. Time is set 
at 'whenever Serges and/or Agile are ready 'o' clock'.
     .---. .==.
    *  '  *=="   - Maverick Hunter Mirror Orange - 
    *     *                - D Class - 

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/11                     Posted        Author
Small Announcement                 Wed Sep 14    Pirate Man

        Okay, Teisel Bonne and I have done some talking and we've decided to 
have an encounter between the Bonnes and RMs on Friday at 10pm EST. The 
difference is, this time, we will be holding the scene with whoever shows up, 
even if it's just me and him. Hopefully it'll be all three Bonnes vs three 
RMs. But who knows. We do reserve the right to postpone the event till 
Saturday night at 10pm EST. That's this week, folks. Anyway, good hunting.

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============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/11                     Posted        Author
Bolshoi Party In Red Square        Fri Sep 16    Iris
And since it's in Moscow... I guess you could call it a Communist Party.

Sunday evening, starting at approximately 7 CST, there will be a large public 
event in Red Square involving Food. Peaceful visitors and Evil Raiding Meanies 
alike are welcome.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/12                     Posted        Author
Important Scenage                  Sun Sep 18    Gemma
There will be Umbrella-related scenage on Sunday evening, the 25th of 
September. It will begin at approximately 7 PM, Eastern Time, barring any 
unusual conflicts or problems.

If you have questions please get a hold of me.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/13                     Posted        Author
Rock The Vote. TO DEATH.           Sun Sep 18    Templar Fefnir
Yo! People have been talking about NA social stuff, so I had an idea. I'm 
thinking 7pm EST, Monday, in Australia. Essentialy, big Neo Arcadian barbeque 
to "rock the vote" and get Australians intrested in the fine art of oppressing 
the robot race. Large, serious men in aprons will be provided, as will "shrinp 
on the barby" jokes. 

So, yeah. Monday the 19th, 7pm EST, barbeque sauce. If that radicaly dosen't 
work for peopke, I can switch it up a bit. Other factions causeing trouble are 
welcome, as long as we get a round or two to eat some burgers.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/14                     Posted        Author
Rescue Scene                       Tue Sep 20    Zach Glen
Neo Arcadia. Interpol. We need to grok out a date to get me out of this cell. 
I'm pretty much good anytime after 7 pm Eastern. It's y'all we need in one 
place at the same time. I'm partial to Wednesday the 21st myself, but I am 
open to suggestions...


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/15                     Posted        Author
What a revoltin' Development!      Sat Sep 24    Red
The Brothers Grimm strike! Well, neither of them are "The Thing" related. Nuts 
to you.

Hopefully, Sunday evening at 11PM EST (Yes folks, we know... it's late. It's 
Different!) Red, Hi-Max, and any other Red Alerters they can drag along will 
be making a road trip... to Neo Arcadia! If we can't get enough NA response, 
we'll simply reschedule. Come one, come all, defend your nation from rogue 
children from a rogue scientist! Because although daddy is gone, he still says 

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
RE: Revolt                         Sun Sep 25    Red
Scene postponed due to TP. Sorry Max. We'll get them next time. NEXT TIME!!!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/17                     Posted        Author
RF & Bonnes: Great Train Robbery   Mon Sep 26    Storm Owl

        Saturday, October 1st 9pm EDT, the Bonne Pirates and the Gesellschaft 
head out to steal a piece of Repliforce history; they're raiding the transport 
train containing the Smithsonian military artifact tour that's making its 
rounds through North America. These include artifacts dating back to the 
second world war, straight up to the Robot Wars. Sentiment and nostalgia is 
what's at stake here. 


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/18                     Posted        Author
Brawl time!                        Wed Sep 28    Gimmick
Tomorrow night, starting at around 5:30 PM Pacific time, 8:30 PM Eastern time, 
there will be a Robot Master, Irregular Overlord brawl!

It's family bonding.

Hope you can make it!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
The Rainbow Strikes Back           Tue Oct 04    Dr. Psyche
THe Rainbow Devil will make another attack this Friday evening, at 7:30 CST.

Be afraid.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/13                     Posted        Author
I really mean it this time.        Mon Oct 10    Bat Vertigo
The title says it all. I know you all want a piece of the Rainbow Devil on 
Friday but come out thursday night and see if you can make it two nights in a 
row and see why special means retarded.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/14                     Posted        Author
Thursday Thursday Thursday         Tue Oct 11    General

 Thurdsay night an event is supposed to happen that relates to Repliforce. 

 What is it? What you ask?! I haven't the foggiest. 
 Will it include other factions? Maybe. 
 Will it affect the entire world? Possibly! 

 However, uh...yeah. Don't know the specifics. 
 I just know it's going to happen. 

 *thumbs up*

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/13                     Posted        Author
Possible Party                     Sat Oct 15    Gemini Man
Friday on October 21, in the evening, which is a weekend from now, I would like 
to hold a Halloween Party scene.

Yes, that is a week early for real Halloween, but I may or may not be busy on 
real Halloween, and I'm impatient. Plus Halloween lasts all month, I decree.

If you would like to be there, I will run the scene starting at about 7 Eastern 
Time and go on until we are done. If for some reason this date is bad because 
something unforseen comes up I'll do it Saturday. All factions invited.

         -- Gemini Man -- Gemini Man --
"A horoscope is like a hologram -- a symbolic projection from a level of 
reality vastly different from our own."

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/13                     Posted        Author
IO Scene                           Sun Oct 16    Sewa
Yeah, it's not really a -secret- what this is.

Should start up around 4:00 PM PST Today, 7:00 EST, 6:00 CST, and I don't know 
any others.

(since this is kinda last minute, it may start later or earlier depending how 
the universe decides to be)

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/14                     Posted        Author
Friday, Friday, Friday!            Sun Oct 16    Ciel
A diplomatic reception/dinner of the people in Neo-Arcadia. Will something go 
wrong? Will someone attack? Will the beer be tainted? Will the oysters be 
tainted? Will Fefnir get stage fright at the sight of all the pale-faces and 
throw up in the Japanese minister's lap?

You'll have to find out on Friday evening. Contact me, Elpizo, or Hiryu for 
more information!


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/15                     Posted        Author
Saturday, 8pm EDT. RF ---> NA      Sun Oct 16    Cygnus

        Saturday, October the 22nd, around 8pm EDT. Repliforce launches an 
attack on the nation of Neo-Arcadia in an attempt to gain a foothold in enemy 
territory. Questions to myself, Ciel, or Pizo. 


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/11                     Posted        Author
Hour of Wily                       Sun Oct 23    Dr. Wily
Another exciting Wily Hour on GNN is tentatively scheduled for tomorrow night 
at 9PM EST. Robot Masters, show up and be granted the opportunity to promote 
the glory of Wily and Bass's agendas.
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|||Dr. ///

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/11                     Posted        Author
Die Moon Die!                      Tue Oct 25    General

 Repliforce decides to pull out the shotgun and shoot a few moon zombies this 
saturday, starting at/around 9pm EST.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/12                     Posted        Author
Grand Opening                      Tue Oct 25    Crystal Man
Or, come and have free drinks at a casino. Talk to Wily in person! Be 
intimidated by large hired guards to prevent Wily from being beaten bloody! 
And, free drinks and casino! (Please don't blow the casino up. Yes, Wily Hour, 
but more RP will be possible if you don't.) This Friday starting at 7:00 PM 
EST! This Friday!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/11                     Posted        Author
Scotty's Heroes                    Thu Oct 27    Boss H
This weekend, possibly SATURDAY at about SIX or SEVEN PM, the Irregular 
Overlords are on the move! We're moving into Neo Arcadia to save their awesome 
swag from the Repliforce before it gets trampled! Be there or be square!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/10                     Posted        Author
ROBBERY!                           Sun Oct 30    Machiavelli
This Friday, at 10 PM EST, the Yakuza, with the aid of air pirates hired from 
Sri Lanka, will be hitting a UN ship full of currency bound for American and 

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/11                     Posted        Author
IO vs. Hunters.                    Tue Nov 01    Scott Wily
Tomorrow, 2:30 EST+.

Will be a Hunter vs. IO scene to try and recover Rush from Scott's beach lab!

Be in Hawaii, or be a purple monkey dishwasher!

Sorry about the short notice. :(

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/12                     Posted        Author
Heavy C versus the Hunters         Wed Nov 02    Machiavelli
Thursday! 6:30 PM EST! The Hunters are making a run on Heavy C, rising drug 
kingpin of Torontreal. If he dies, HC-90 will crumble. CAN YOU DEFEAT HEAVY C? 

Yakuza, Maverick Hunters. Fight!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/11                     Posted        Author
The Hornet's Nest                  Wed Nov 09    Machiavelli
This Thursday, at 6 PM EST, the Maverick Hunters will be attacking the island 
fortress of a Yakuza arms dealer named Figarillo Piso. This is the major 
Yakuza hub of illegal weapons distribution, and a blow here will cripple their 
operations and cost them a sizable sum of money. It's heavily defended, 
however, by Yakuza mercenaries.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/12                     Posted        Author
The Great Sea Heist                Wed Nov 09    Machiavelli
On Saturday, at 2 PM EST, the Yakuza and some Sri Lankan pirates are making a 
run on a UN ship loaded with soldiers - and money. The Bonnes are also 
planning on crashing the party! Yakuza-types, if I'm not on for whatever 
reason, the show must go on. :)

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/13                     Posted        Author
The Hornet's Nest                  Fri Nov 11    Machiavelli

        This Sunday, at 10 PM EST, the Hunters are attacking the island 
fortress of Figarillo Piso. The biggest arms dealer in the Yakuza, this is the 
place all the guns are coming from. If I'm not around, any Yaks available will 
be there to defend. Hopefully. Hunters, Yakuza, GO!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/13                     Posted        Author
Maverick y RF                      Sun Nov 13    Vile
The Maverick's and Vile are going to be up to some evil things tomorrow night 
around Giga City, at around 9 PM EST. It will require RF to stop us so if 
you're interested we'll see you tomorrow.

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============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/14                     Posted        Author
Mav y RF                           Mon Nov 14    Vile
Due to some unforseen circumstances, I'm going to reschedule this little scene 
for tomorrow, Tuesday, at around 8-9 PM EST. Sorry if this inconveniences 

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============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/11                     Posted        Author
Hunters versus Yakuza!             Wed Nov 16    Machiavelli

        This Saturday, at 5 PM EST, the Yakuza will be ambushing the Hunters in 
Hong Kong. A counterfeiting operation is not all it seems to be - instead of 
fake zenny, the place is loaded with very real and very armed criminals!


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/12                     Posted        Author
Later Tonight                      Fri Nov 18    Cygnus

        Something's going to go down tonight. Heroes will definitely be 
required. Villains, if they're ambitious enough, I'm sure will be able to find 
something useful to do. Whether it involves combat or not depends on how the 
scene progresses, but it's likely that someone'll wind up shooting someone 
else at some point. Io and Mesa are contacts. 


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/13                     Posted        Author
The Plot Of Bones                  Sat Nov 19    Maxwell Bones
Okay. RMs who are volunteering - your attempted theft of the elastic polymers 
will be taking place next Saturday, at roughly 3:00 PM, EST, and then it will 
become the scene you volunteered for. Problems with this?
Investigate. Watch. /Observe/.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/14                     Posted        Author
The Cape Is Civilisation           Sun Nov 20    Boss H
Tonight Tonight! Tonight! The Irregular Overlords are totally going after the 
radio equipment necessary to CONTACT EPSILON. And to do this we will be going 
after something very impressive indeed; a global broadband transmitting node. 
Show up to aid the IOs in their bid to contact their bishounen boss or foil 
the nutcases' plan!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/15                     Posted        Author
Smasy Smashy the Squishies         Sun Nov 20    Colonel
Later this afternoon, pushing 5-6 PM Central. Repliforce will make a push into 
Neo Arcadia. There will be violence and awesome. 

I can't give an exact time, because I don't know exactly how long Harry Potter 
is. After I get back from that, though, there will be owning!

Colonel - For Honor and Glory.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
Ho Ho Ho                           Tue Nov 22    Colonel

Santa Colonel.

Location TBA.

Earlier than usual.

Colonel - For Honor and Glory.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/17                     Posted        Author
Fiery Furnace Fun                  Tue Nov 22    Fire Man
Okay, the server dummyspit ate the original post of this so I'm doing a quick 

Robot Masters are heading to India to steal a giant furnace for their new metal 
production plant, The Foundry (if you're interested can be found in Tartarus' 
Industrial district).

The Furnace Raid is scheduled for Friday, 7-8 PM on EST, and Hunters are 
invited to try and stop us.

See you there!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/18                     Posted        Author
Smashy Smashy the Robots           Tue Nov 22    Templar Fefnir
On this Saturday, 4-5 PST (7-8 EST), Neo Arcadia will strike back at the 
Repliforce at the Mexican border! 

This is also a tentative date; depends on if enough people can make it.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/16                     Posted        Author
Santa Colonel                      Wed Nov 23    Colonel
Postponed til Friday. I hurt myself at work and can't concentrate.

Colonel - For Honor and Glory.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/17                     Posted        Author
RM vs RF: Dr. Wily, you jerk!      Thu Nov 24    Dr. Wily
That was... overt.

Anyway. Tentatively scheduled for next Saturday (December 3rd) at, uhh... 9PM 
EST, there will be a fairly large combat between Repliforce and the Robot 
Masters at an unspecified place, for unspecified reasons. Specifications will 
become fairly apparent when it happens. Be there to witness the horror and 
genius of Dr. Wily's latest scheme!
 _      __
|||Dr. ///

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/18                     Posted        Author
RF's Schedule                      Fri Nov 25    Cygnus

Is busy. 

Tonight: Santa Colonel. 

Tomorrow: Templar Fefnir and the Neo-Arcadians attempt to give us some payback 
for our successes in the war. Lets make sure that cheque bounces! 

Next Saturday (probably: Dr. Wily and his merry band use the devastating power 
of the... I can't spoil it. 

Some other time: I believe Boss H is making plans for something, which he's 
working out with General. Not sure, though. 


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/19                     Posted        Author
Furnace Scene Rescheduled          Fri Nov 25    Fire Man
Something's come up and I can't make it to my own scene, GASP! So we'll have to 
do it tomorrow or the next day.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/20                     Posted        Author
RM vs Yes: Dr. Wily, you jerk.     Wed Nov 30    Dr. Wily
Well, it's pretty obvious where the scene is going to be, and against whom. 
Saturday, December 3rd, RMs meet in the War Room (or equivalent) for 
strategery at 7PM EST. At 9PM EST, Super Robot Fighting Time.
 _      __
|||Dr. ///

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/20                     Posted        Author
IO vs RF Fleet Battle!             Thu Dec 01    Teisel Bonne
This Friday at 9pm EST, the Irregular Overlord aerial fleet will clash with 
Repliforce over Giga City! Join fleet commander Teisel as he attempts to clear 
GC airspace of the dreaded devil Storm Owl and his foul Fortress V! 
(Alternately, if you are a filthy do-gooder, you might aid the turkey). Ground 
combatants will be accomidated, so there's no excuse not to come. ^_~ (Rain 
date is Saturday at the same time.)

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/21                     Posted        Author
Rescheduling                       Fri Dec 02    Maxwell Bones
Due to miscommunication, the Maxwell Bones And Logic vs. RMs thing will 
happen...let's call it next Friday? It will be derailing base construction.
Investigate. Watch. /Observe/.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/22                     Posted        Author
Fleet Battle Reschedule            Fri Dec 02    Teisel Bonne
First, apologies to everyone who showed for the scene tonight - work held me up 
way later than I would have hoped. In any case, the scene is rescheduled to 
its rain date as a result - tomorrow (Saturday) at 9pm (hopefully this won't 
clash too much with whatever the RMs have planned). In the event that the 
scene does not go off, it will be held whenever Storm and I can both do it. XD 
(If after the seige deadline, we'll just do it somewhere other than Giga City. 

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/23                     Posted        Author
Fleet Battle                       Sat Dec 03    Cygnus

        The RF/IO fleet thing is rescheduled for probably after the seige. We 
shall do it eventually, though! And of course we can still knock heads in 
other parts of Giga City all day long. 


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/18                     Posted        Author
Setting up                         Wed Dec 07    Lina Korec

A little something. Border skirmish sometime tomorrow (Thursday the 8th) Want 
to take about 3 or 4 Arcadians. Time to start somewhere around 9ish, maybe 
later depending on circumstances. Please come! I <3 you if you do.

 (P.S. RF/MH/Stars, I'm not picky!)


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/19                     Posted        Author
Mavericks y NAers                  Thu Dec 08    Vile
Mavericks. Neo Arcadians. Humanity. Robot..ity? 

8 PM EST tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 9th

This planet isn't big enough for the both of us.

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============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/20                     Posted        Author
Iron Chef: Hunter vs. Burninator   Fri Dec 09    Roll
Iiiiiiiiiin this corner, weighing in at approximately the body mass of a 
teenage girl and sporting shiny pink gear: Iron Chef Hunter, Roll Light! 

Aaaaaaaaaaand in this corner, weighing -- well, we don't know what he weighs, 
because he melts scales -- sportin' classy red duds and a head full of flame, 
Iron Chef Robot Master - Fire Man! 

The event... a cookoff! Next Tuesday (the 13th), 8pm EST, Roll and Fire Man 
will temporarily repurpose the Tartarus Arena as Kitchen Stadium for a cooking 
competition unrivalled since... well, last time. Things we need from you:

* A Chairman Kaga wannabe
* Color commentary!
* Some judges (Fire Man says, "For the judges we should have one old person, 
one hot female, and one smart person. And Spider.") 
* Media coverage? (Chest? :D) 
* Sous chef or chefs... 
* And of course, a cheering, divisive audience! 

@mail Fire Man or Roll for any further details.


(Cast So Far: Dr. Barrel Caskett as 'old man')

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/21                     Posted        Author
Iron Chef Update                   Mon Dec 12    Roll
Staff update!

Toshiro Yuki - Token smart guy
Chairman Kaga - Elec Man! He better bite that pepper... with ZEST.
Hot girl - IT IS A SEKRIT TO ALL. 

That said... unfortunately, the date for this is now up in the air. I need to 
discuss with Fire Man, but basically what it boils down to is that Roll's 
player is a dolt and agreed to have a scene... DURING a final.


Stay tuned! A new date will be coming, set for some time after the 15th, after 
all this finals nonsense is over with.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/22                     Posted        Author
Neo-Arcadia -> RF                  Tue Dec 13    Ciel
Friday Evening, Neo-Arcadia is going to...

Wait, they're going to counter-attack? Can they DO that?!

Approximate start time is 7 PM Central. It continues until done.


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/23                     Posted        Author
Let's try this again!              Tue Dec 13    Teisel Bonne
Who needs Giga City to fight over? We're gonna give the RF vs. IO/Bonne fleet 
battle another whirl anyway! ^_^ The date is tomorrow, Wednesday, December 
14th, whenever Storm and I are both on and ready to go (probably in the 
evening). I personally guarantee that much fun will be had by all.*

*-Not a guarantee.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/24                     Posted        Author
WMD                                Thu Dec 15    Gemini Man
I'm probably going to get questions about this so here's an update on the 
status of my WMD plot.

Those of you looking to figure out clues, etc: There are people you can talk to 
while I am gone to pool information. Namely, each other.

December 27th through January 1st: I will be running a scene or two most likely 
with some good chances to catch up on my work. Actual dates are pending. I'm 
doing a lot of driving over the next few days, though, so it will give me a 
lot of chance to plan things, even if not much chance to actually do things.

January 1: There will be a scene. I'll post times when I'm back from vacation, 
but it'll probably be the usual "primetime" evening slot at about 7 PM EST.

         -- Gemini Man -- Gemini Man --
"A horoscope is like a hologram -- a symbolic projection from a level of 
reality vastly different from our own."

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/25                     Posted        Author
Iron Chef Update 2                 Fri Dec 16    Umbra Phantom
Judge Update

Twila Peterson - Token Sexy Lady! If she gave Wily a heart attack? She /must/ 
be hot stuff!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/26                     Posted        Author
ICU2 Addendum                      Fri Dec 16    Umbra Phantom
No date has been set yet. Stay tuned.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/26                     Posted        Author
US h@xx0red!                       Sat Dec 17    Sigma

 Tomorrow, Sunday, December the 17th, beginning at roughly 6 or 7 pm EST 
depending on turnout, the Mavericks will be making with cyberspace 
shenanigans. The more Maverick hacker types present, the better, but of course 
we need people who're gonna interfere as well. So polish up your 
mouse-clicking finger and be there! 


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 32/27                     Posted        Author
Bring Out the IIIIRON CHEEEEFS!    Mon Dec 19    Fire Man
Finally a new date has been decided upon for the Iron Chef event! On Wednesday 
the 21st of December at 8pm EST we will be cooking off in Tartarus!

The contestants are: Fire Man and Roll!

Those others participating are:

Chairman Elec Man!

Old Judge: Dr. Barrel Caskett
Smart Judge: Toshiro Yuki
Sexy Judge: Twila Peterson
and Spider.

If any of you can't show up please contact Roll or Me (the incredibly handsome 
Fire Man) and we'll work something out.

[[missed posts?]]

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 28/1                      Posted        Author
Arcadia Attack                     Fri Dec 23    Bit
It's been shoved back to Wednesday, 7 PM EST.
-Commander Bit


============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 28/2                      Posted        Author
Stealing Christmas II              Fri Dec 23    Dust Man

Okay, I didn't get a big response, so I'm going to take a chance and make it 
tomorrow night and there will be a super big EFC battle! BE THERE. Somewhere 
between 7 and 9 PST, 10 and 12 EST. If not, I suppose I can steal Festivus 
next week.

P.S.: I'm not going to beat up a mall Santa. It will be hard core. Really.

Edit: This is open to anyone who wants to help me or stop me.

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 28/3                      Posted        Author
Big Shopping Trip                  Sun Dec 25    Ten
So, i'm planning a big shopping trip for tomorrow or the day after. This looks 
like (I hope) to be involving a lot of RF, but i'll gladly let anyone else 
join in, so long as you behave while we're invading San Angeles or Eurasia... 
Dunno where yet. And by everybody? I mean everybody! If you fancy a nice big 
social? Come along, and be friendly. DO EET.

For those of you who think you would like to come along, @mail me, including 
which day you would prefer to scene on! Since I have my new laptop, I can also 
more than likely tailor times to be slightly more accessible to everyone, too. 

Happy shopping!

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 28/4                      Posted        Author
Star Robot Wars                    Mon Dec 26    Crystal Man
The first Star Robot Wars filming scene will be this Saturday. A time will be 

============================ Scene Announcements =============================
Message: 28/5                      Posted        Author
NA Scene                           Wed Dec 28    Bit
Sorry all, but due to my family being here, I'm not going to be able to make 
this scene for sure. To be safe, I'm going to postpone it for a indefinite 
length of time. It will go ahead, but probably sometime in 2006. Sorry to all 
those who wanted to show up.
-Commander Bit


<-- Apr-Jun 2005                                              Jan-Jun 2006 -->

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