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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08
  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1225603400.jpg-(28 KB, 302x400, IRONHIDE RUNNING CHANGE.jpg)
    28 KB Ironhide running change Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)01:23 No.311477  

    >>You are bidding on an unreleased Transformers Universe IRONHIDE figure with a running change. This is very different from the original Universe Ironhide as it does not actually come with an Ironhide figure, but a really big wasp nest. Includes actual wasp accessory. Bidding starts at $9.99.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)01:28 No.311480
         File :1225603713.gif-(345 KB, 160x123, JIBBAHJABBAHCRYIN.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)01:29 No.311482
    >> Fisher King !QgR54c.70g 11/02/08(Sun)01:35 No.311486

    To their credit, it is a very Ironhide-shaped wasp's nest.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)01:45 No.311492
    At least he didn't return it to the store.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)01:46 No.311494
    I'm reminded of Chatterbox on GTA3. Bees! KILLER BEES!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)01:01 No.311504
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)01:12 No.311516
    I bet the winning bidder will still complain about the color of the face.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)01:24 No.311521
         File :1225607087.jpg-(12 KB, 252x227, 1221196784592.jpg)
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    >> lordleachim 11/02/08(Sun)02:01 No.311535
    from auction:

    "Can't ship this one international. We all know what happened with the frogs in Australia. Except these are dead. Anyway. ... No refunds! If you haven't caught on that there isn't an actual Ironhide in this package yet, you are dumb. However, this is a real auction and I will send you the item pictured, much to your chagrin."

    that's hilarious.
    >> Hurricane567 11/02/08(Sun)02:19 No.311546
         File :1225610367.jpg-(33 KB, 400x300, 800px-Bd5j.jpg)
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    For a second i though it was an Iron Hide wrapped in camo netting lol
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)03:03 No.311576
         File :1225612980.jpg-(41 KB, 319x345, excuseme.jpg)
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    I don't understand. Is it sealed, and did one somehow... leave the factory with a nest instead of a figure? Or did he just put one there while he was rediculously high?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)03:06 No.311577
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    >> Jin Saotome !!OE3/noRf6St 11/02/08(Sun)03:22 No.311580
    Totally awesome. Totally.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)03:43 No.311594
    I was going to bid on this, but they don't ship to Canada.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)03:54 No.311600
    Bid a grand on it. You can afford it. That's like one custom man.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)04:35 No.311617
    I read the Shining. The wasps aren't dead until they've been hit by a nuclear bomb and even then you're taking a risk.
    >> Jin Saotome !!OE3/noRf6St 11/02/08(Sun)13:32 No.311793
    I had to blog this... I caved.
    >> Fisher King !QgR54c.70g 11/02/08(Sun)13:57 No.311810
         File :1225652258.png-(27 KB, 408x379, a-minus-minus.png)
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