Day 22  2001.12.17

We spent the night in Oklahoma City. When we get up and go to breakfast, I look through their selection of brochures.  Hmm. OU has a museum of natural history. That could be fun.

Saguaro Bob baiting a T Rex.

There are, of course, lots of skeletons. Unlike many museums, though, they have some from the time of the Giant Mammals. And Birds:

This is a Terror Bird. They stood about six feet high and were the top of the food chain of the Ammericas for quite some time. They were driven to extinction when a land bridge from Asia allowed large cats to come here. And Smilodon was a very big cat.

This is a Gomphotherium. Need I say more?
I imagine that if he wanted to kiss his mate, he'd have had quite a tusk ahead of him ....

In a large atrium is another giant.

I come up to his knee.

Back to giant reptiles:

Dwyn vs the Apatasaurus. Even though that looks like a fossilized leg, it's only the femur.

OU has a claim to fame. Thay have their own ancient reptile. Even though the Cotylorhynchus looks like a reject from Frankenstein's lab, they know it was put together right. According to its blurb, these pre-dinos are usually found by themselves and right-side up. Maybe they stank.
Note the size of the head. Comparisons have been made between them and the OU football team members.

And what's a modern natural history museum without a mocked-up fight between ancient behemoths?  This is looking down at an allosaurus attacking an apatasaurus from the apatasaurus' head.
It's taken through a glass elevator's wall.

And Lion's still following us!
He's trying to blend in, but I see him!

After they manage to drag me out, we continue to the outskirts of the city to a sewing shop that Annemarie wanted to stop at.  Dwyn & I, hungry stop at a Whataburger. A what?

Mmm. Triple meat.

Later, Zipping along the turnpike, we decide to take a break and see the sights at the Will Rogers (/McDonalds) rest stop and museum that straddles the expressway.
Dwyn & I ate yummy french fries as we watched semis fly under us at half the speed of sound.

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Day 22
The Trek