Day 24  2001.12.19

Rain rain rain.It's been raining here since we came through in the other direction. Everything is under water.
Those are fields, not a lake. You can see a couple derricks out there.

We crossed the Mississippi on the lower deck of the bridge.

And we found the magical breeding grounds of higway dividers (Barrierus Jersicus).

We ended up in Cincinatti again so Dwyn could meet up with an internet friend, but that turned out to be impossible. So instead we braved traffic (and believe me, that was brave) and went to a movie instead. The cineplex was in a mall. A very full mall. We parked in the parking-garage and went through a department store to get to the mall. After a short browse, we ate & looked at our movie options.

Well, there's a lot of junk, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. Well, we know Harry Potter is a long movie, so we choose LotR. Oops.  Many hours later we stagger back out into the now closed mall. Fun fun. I have palpatations wondering whether they've locked the garage as well.

The department store is closed (of course) so we have to go outside and walk around the building and into the garage by the car ramps. However, the car's still there (and remarkably easy to find) and the exits are open. Woo hoo!

Traffic to the hotel is light. Of course it is after 11pm. Yawn.

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Day 24
The Trek