Day 9 2001.12.04

We wake up in Arizona to subtly different light. Hmm?
Looking out the window we see...
The first snow we've seen this winter... in ARIZONA!?!?

There's still snow as we descend past 6,000 feet above sealevel.

Really, we tell Dwyn, "Arizona is a desert."  5,000 feet:

At 4,000 feet we pass through the clouds and there's no more snow.

"Really, really," we tell Dwyn, "Arizona is a desert, not a rainforest."

Finally we get to the grandparents' after braving very soft shoulders and tiny roads that don't correspond to any maps. The precipitation finally stops. The sun sets.

And then I get the important tour - the computing & shortwave setup.
That's a TRS-80 Model 4P (that's portable) cooled by its own duct from the central air conditioning. In the back left is the shortwave setup which has its own antenna tower in the yard.  They are used for Navy MARS - no, not the planet; it stands for Military Affiliate Radio System. To the right is my father-in-law and behind him another computer. It's a Model 16 - a dual processor computer with 8" floppy disks!

Day 9
The Trek