<-- Jun 2005                                                      Aug 2005 -->

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/28                     Posted        Author
Concept Rush: #30                  Fri Jul 01    Anthem
        Before I start this, I'd like to make one minor reminder/request to 
folks. I'm, uh. Well, just getting back into the swing of things after being 
MIA for a good six months. Most of the stuff I'll be posting was written prior 
to that. So if I post something up as a 'new and unique idea' that happens to 
be something that somebody's recently apped for - sorry. :) It's not meant as 
a slight that said character sucks or isn't memorable or something - it means 
I don't know you yet. ;D Anyhow, continuing the show! 
Name: Herbert O'Neil 
Faction: Interpol 
Function: Riot Control 
Gender: Male 
Quote: "Surfing the tide of emotion's the most dangerous thing to do. You never 
know when you'll get caught up in it." 
Profile: Herbie's got a tough job. His main duty is the control and suppression 
of riots - he has to stop angry mobs without killing them, and they rarely 
worry about not hurting him. Despite this, he's got a fairly upbeat outlook on 
life. Years of dealing with the raw realities of it have left him with a 
single, simple conclusion: it's usually not these people's faults. A through 
understanding of the mob mentality permiates his thinking, perhaps making him 
a bit too forgiving. He greatly respects the raw power of it, however, and 
mantains a healthy respect for just how overwhelming surging emotions can be, 
especally such primal ones. In combat, Herbie employs a variety of non-lethal 
and semi-lethal weapons, chief of which is the Colloid Rail Cannon. It 
launches blobs of semi-solid goo at targets - at low densities, it can 
entangle, while at higher densities the target can be knocked out or even 
seriously hurt as the blast approaches being fully solid. 
Weapon Name: Colloid Rail Cannon 
Weapon Type: BLUNT 
Notes: Yes, that's right - it's a Jell-o Gun. The mechanic is simple. It's a 
stable colloid substance with iron flecks dispursed through it. The magnets of 
the rail cannon accelerate the flakes, taking the goo along with it. Damage 
and effect is altered by changing the density of the goo and the ratio of iron 

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/24                     Posted        Author
Oh No!                             Sat Jul 02    Solstis

 Name: Cracker Mantis 
 Faction: Mavericks 
 Function: Cracking & Hacking 
 Profile: An eccentric hacker and interceptor, Cracker Mantis is usually one 
who can be relied upon in a pinch, although when it pertains to his online 
persona it becomes a tad...odd. For some unknown reason Cracker Mantis has 
dredged up an ancient group of fictional characters to use as his avatar 
online, and thus it was that the Axem Rangers were reborn. A potent group of 
programs interlaced carefully together, they are capable of a variety of 
attack patterns and can often break into most secured servers. Aside from 
that, Cracker Mantis tends to spend his time playing video games, eating 
insect candy and pondering how to take over the world.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/25                     Posted        Author
Blue Dragons!                      Sat Jul 02    Yosho Roshi
Sarah Storm: MIA since Sheena re-united the clans, Sarah Storm players will get 
the option of a relationship with ex-Yakuza hacker Jared Kintane, as well as a 
lightning cipher and an eternal hatred of Clown Man! Apply for the Kenyan 
Strider today!

Derek Vasquez: Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated! Fighting with 
the first fire-based Cipher, and an expert gambler as well as a ladies' man, 
this smooth, suave, size 4 Mexican might just be the character for you!

Shaun Gilmour: The diminuitive Shaun Gilmour, size 2, is a master thief, and 
once bested Yosho and his son in combat. Apply for Shaun Gilmour and get 
strangled to death by Tetsuo Sakizaki!

"We sacrifice our innocence, so others do not have to." - Black Dragon Credo

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/26                     Posted        Author
Blue Dragon details                Sat Jul 02    Mesarthim
Like all former OFCs, they will be treated as OCs after being gotten. They will 
not be required to keep times, but if terminally idle, will be removed.

They may be apped on either side of the divide at the applicants' discretion. 
There are, as a recent film said, heroes on both sides.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/27                     Posted        Author
Blue Dragons!                      Sun Jul 03    Tron Bonne

        Further information!

        Sarah Storm: You can also be the Strider, along with Me, who made 
Hiryu's Option!

        Derek Vasquez: Only one of the more BAD AFT Striders. Slick as all 
heck. Has adopted the 'Big Brother' roll to Sarah. Think Gambit with a Cipher.

        Shaun Gilmour: Have you ever seen 'Hudson Hawk'. Shaun Gilmour IS the 
Hudson Hawk! With a glowing violet SONIC CIPHER! Eternal rival of Tetsuo! Be 
able to yell 'TETSUUUUOOOOOO!' Sing 'Side by Side' just to annoy Tetsuo! Also, 
the former Bearer, and still owner, of the(now useless hunk of metal) Pendant 
of Neptune from the old Pendant TP.

        These OFC Striders would LOVE players! App today!

-+-+ The Lego Queen Cometh! +-+-+ Tron Bonne! +-+-

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/28                     Posted        Author
Strange Idea                       Sun Jul 03    Fey
I have a few of these.
Name: Emoticon
Type: Cyborg
Function: Medical
Faction: Neo Arcadia
Quote: "^_^"
Profile: Emoticon - Formerly Joseph Wilkins - has served with Neo Arcadia even 
before it was actually Neo Arcadia. An American working most of his life at 
the Mexico City hospital, he doesn't particularly mind the influx of new 
anti-robot sentiment. During the riots that lead up to the founding of Neo 
Arcadia, Joseph took part, and was subject to a wild shot that destroyed his 
face and most of his head. Surviving somehow, his face has been replaced with 
a computer screen that relays his emotions, though no technologies can replace 
his destroyed vocal capacity. Unable to speak, he conveys his desires through 
emoticons on the big screen, and somehow (nobody's quite sure yet) gets his 
point across.
Yes. A medic who's only dialoge is emoticons.
                ^_^ o_o <_< o_- O_O Q-Q ._. !_! ?_? c_c T_T
        Even though he has no real dialogue, people still ICly know what he's 
trying to say. Like R2-D2!

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/29                     Posted        Author
Concept Rush: #31                  Sun Jul 03    Anthem
Name: Franciska Lundbye 
Faction: Neo-Arcadia 
Function: Chemical Reclimation 
Gender: Female 
Quote: "Ashes to ashes, rust to rust." 
Profile: A European refugee to Aztlan, Franciska originally took a job in one 
of the city's smelting plants - primarily for the melting down of former 
reploid parts so that they could be made into more useful things. The process 
was, however, terribly inefficent with the amount of power used. A chemical 
engineering student previously, Franciska developed a variant on the White 
Rust's physical substances, creating a simple chemical compound that is 
completely neutral to everything except metal alloys - which it immediately 
breaks down into their component parts, and renders each into a semi-liquid 
form for easy collection. This, obviously, was quickly picked up by the 
Neo-Arcadian authorities for the obvious military applications. Now a member 
of the military, Franciska acts as a chemical warfare specalist - and a 
collector of little jars full of metallic jell-o. 
Weapon Name: Alchemical Breakdown 
Weapon Type: CHEMICAL 
Notes: The name's Danish, for those curious. The original idea was based off of 
an oxidation-type weapon, but the concept evolved into something more lending 
itself to the breaking down of metals for ease of re-use.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/30                     Posted        Author
Fill in the blanks.                Mon Jul 04    Agile
Okay. Now that there is a Serges. And me, Agile. There is only one person that 
we need to complete our squad of awesome assassins. 

The brute force of the team, Violen. 
Please. Pretty please. You know you want to. <ZOOOOOOM!>

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/30                     Posted        Author
Goes Without Saying                Mon Jul 04    Elpizo
But, I know people aren't mind readers.          
Thank you.

                                                                ~ Elpizo

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/31                     Posted        Author
Strider Idea.                      Mon Jul 04    Masquerade
Name: Toshi Washi
Function: Strider Smith.
Quote: "As technology changes, so shall I."
Finger: Toshi Washi is the man responcible for most of the original Ciphers 
created for the Striders and in charge of excessive maintenance. It is he that 
upgrades and redesigns each blade to suit their individual owner and holds the 
secrets to their successful design. Although this 'code' has been cracked by 
Neo Arcadia he likes to think he keeps the monopoly on the best, keeping his 
actual processes and techniques a closely guarded secret. Of course, at heart, 
he is a traditionalist. He realises that with the changing technology he needs 
to be able to make blades that can cope with modern designs but wished most of 
his weapons could just be what they are without modification. One of the older 
members of the Strider clan the aging man suffered a reprieve from his duties 
during the continued strifes between the factions but has been summoned by 
Yosho Roshi to take up arms once again to fight for the traditional beliefs he 
speaks of wishing to uphold. In battle he uses the 'Archaic Cipher', a blade 
he was given by his former tutor that lacks any modification. His continued 
search for an heir to teach his craft onto is quite a motivation to him, 
though he worries conventional thinkers within the group as, quite honestly, 
he is not getting any younger.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/32                     Posted        Author
Interpol Suggestion                Mon Jul 04    Dr. Sarah Fairchild
So, you want to app Interpol forensics (of which we have none, so you should 
totally do that and make me a very happy DOOM), but you aren't sure what 
concept would work! Boy have I got a finger for you. +finger, that is.

Name: Analysis Mango
Racetype: Bioroid
Affiliation: Interpol
Function: Forensic scientist
Gender: Male
Quote: "Okay, so you want me to compare the saber wounds of the victims to the 
cut on this here hunk of ham and see if it was the same sword? I'll have the 
results in an hour."

Profile: Pleasant, affable, and just a tiny bit jaded due to the somewhat 
half-baked method Interpol's top investigators occasionally take to 
investigation, Analysis Mango is one of the organization's most prized 
possessions: A smart, sharp bioroid, who rarely asks questions except for 
where to have the reports delivered. One of Interpol's small stock of 
bioroids, Analysis is able to defend himself if he must, but generally prefers 
to stay in his lab - or occasionally go out to help one of the investigators 

You know you want to be the MUSH's first mango AND the best darn fruit ever to 
wield a test tube. Apply today!

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/33                     Posted        Author
Red Alert                          Tue Jul 05    Wind Crow
This is a Red Alert service announcement.

Who are the Red Alert?
Red Alert are the bosses from Megaman Man X7, but in M3 they are an elite group 
of reploids designed and built by Gate who enjoy immunity to all viruses by 
way of the Dream Protocol v2 and enjoy membership in the Repliforce outside of 
normal command structure.

Who is Gate and what are his other creations?
Gate is the brilliant roboticist (+finger Gate) from X6 who built what we call 
the Dream Team here at M3 along with Berkana (All the X6 bosses except 
Infinity Mijinion and Option Yammark) who are unfortunately a broken group as 
their ranks are spread across the Maverick Hunters, Repliforce and the 
Mavericks. Be sure to consider apping them if Red Alert isn't to your liking!

What is the playing group like?
Well, Red Alert, Gate, and the few Dreamers that are apped are a close knit 
group who keep in regular contact ICly and OOCly (when they can) and despite 
little family s get along great and kick butt as a team.

What are Red Alert doing right now?
Right now Red Alert is gearing up for a nice bit of investigation, ass 
whooping, and some neat little secrets of our own. And that's just us! Can you 
imagine what the family as a whole is up to?

Damn you guys rock where do I sign up?
There are currently three members of Red Alert open, and the Majority of the 
Dream Team (of course spread out through the different factions) open for 
apps. Note contact Gate or Shield Shellfish for info on the Dreamers.

Splash Warfly. You think Jet Stingray can fight underwater? You think Jet 
Stingray looks good in a fight? This is what I say to that, "PFFT! He's got 
/nothing/ on Splash Warfly!" - The guy has a beam glaive, he has awesome 
underwater skills, and he has a rare attack type. App Splash Warfly, you know 
you want to be in the limelight!

Soldier Stonekong. You wanna rock like King Kong? You wanna smack Zero's upside 
the head with a big sword of ROCK? Then this is your man. Soldier Stonekong is 
badaft incarnate who applies common sense and maybe a little zen/buddhism to 
his craft. Come on guys, app Soldier Stonekong - you know he'll rock you!

Ride Boar. The much maligned Cossack lite character, you don't like his 
profile? That's okay, neither do we, but there is badass lying dormant inside 
him underneath all the stereotypical Russianness. Mr. T. Ride is the much 
needed mechanic/repairer of Red Alert who feels as home overhauling 
Vanishing's Ride Armour as he does riding, laying the smackdown on punks, and 
beating on pitiful fools. Seriously, you got to be nuts if you don't want to 
app /that/!

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/34                     Posted        Author
Also...                            Tue Jul 05    Cygnus
App Rain Turtle. C'mon. You all know why.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/35                     Posted        Author
Berkana!                           Tue Jul 05    Gareth
App Berkana! 
 You know you want to. 
 You get to boss me around, and people -expect- you to be a jerk to everybody 
while repairing them. Plus, you're just scary in general. 

 No Berkana = Makes Gareth a sad Flying Monkey.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/30                     Posted        Author
Primary Suggestion                 Tue Jul 05    Jessica Blakesly
In Sawyer Point in Cincinnati, Ohio, there is a statue of Cincinnatius. Whether 
he was real or not is up for debate, but his statue certainly is, and it's 
holding what appears to be an axe with several sticks of dynamite wrapped 
around it. This is, of course, the most awesome weapon ever. 

(Mesarthim informs me this is, in fact, a fasces, root of the word fascism, 
which means it's just a bunch of rods wrapped around an axe. To heck with 
that. Dynamite is cooler.) 

Anyway. Three cookies to the first person to app an OC with Dynamite Axe 
(types: Blade & Explosive, duh) as their primary.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/31                     Posted        Author
Air Wants You                      Tue Jul 05    Chris Mainards

 Do you think you have what it takes to be a bigot, a robot hating monsterous 
Human who will rip the fiendish metallic entities to shreds? 

 Then Air Division of Neo Arcadia wants /you/! 

 Led by Sage Harpuia, second-in-command is Chris Mainards, the Air Division is 
a potent group of robot hating robot killing death machines. We all want them 
dead(Except Rosa, but she's secretly Chris's girlfriend). 

 So join today! 

 And please.../please/ make it so that you either have Elec or Air in your list 
somewhere...or at least have something like hover or flight. We're the Air 
Division and yet we're mostly landbound people.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/32                     Posted        Author
App Eurasia!                       Tue Jul 05    Nova
Eurasia needs many good people to help out in our expanding faction. While we 
have been NPCing several people filling various rolls, we'd much rather prefer 
to have an active player! Here's some of our current NPCs that tickle our 

Intelligence Officer Ford (Inspired by Hitchhiker's Guide)

Officer Ford is the latest descendant of the Ford Motor Company's creator. 
Having grown up a spoiled rich boy, he felt there should be something more to 
life, and often sought the answer to it in the bottom of a bottle. After 
spending a large amount of time in the Eurasia drunk tank, an ESF officer 
jokingly suggested he should just join the station if he wanted to spend all 
his time there. Much to everyone's surprise he took them up on the offer and 
has been with the ESF since as an intelligence operative. He has two major 
roles: The first being intelligence which he excells at as he always seems to 
know something about everything. The second is his self-imposed task of 
raising ESF morale. This is often accomplished by slipping the Captain press 
releases to announce that are entirely humorous in his own off-key manner. 
While not necessarily an optimist, he can find humor in just about any 
situation and always remains cool-headed in times of distress.

Munitions Officer Jayne (Inspired by Firefly)

Officer Jayne is a cyborg whose life before joining the ESF was of the more 
criminal variety. Though she herself was rather skilled in quite a number of 
things she constantly found herself working in the pay of incompetants. After 
being captured on Eurasia for breaking into a high security area, the Captain 
offered her a position. Rather than be arrested she joined up with the ESF. 
Having settled down somewhat since then she remains firmly loyal to the ESF 
and helps them out by keeping close track of their weaponry. She has an almost 
neurotic fondness for weapons (She names them), and is very stingy about 
loaning them out to other crew without a good reason.

Petty-Officer Frankfurter (Inspired by the Rocky Horror Picture Show and my 

Frankfurter is a reploid who became increasingly dissatisfied with his job as 
the Oscar Meyer mascot. After a publicity trip to Eurasia he became enamored 
of the station, and the fact that there were people there that did NOT know 
the Oscar Meyer weiner song. He applied for citizenship soon after leaving 
Oscar Meyer Corp. Given his skill with handling large crowds of people he soon 
found a position in the Eurasia Security Force. He's known as being one of the 
more eccentric members of the ESF in the fact that he enjoys dressing up to 
hide his prior status as a mascot. Given what he chooses to wear, we're not 
even entirely sure he's a he.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/33                     Posted        Author
Spider                             Tue Jul 05    Mist Man
App him into the Bonne's, I mean come on he could be like Spike from Cowboy 
Bebop - including the Jeet Kun Doe and the Jazz motifs.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/32                     Posted        Author
Behold, Bon Bonne!                 Tue Jul 05    Tron Bonne

        Greetings, Mega Man MUSH!

        One of the side mysteries of our M3 theme has been one specific thing: 
What is Bon Bonne?
        In the past, he's been many things, depending on what the appers wanted 
him to be. Everything from a baby in a robotsuit to a reprogramed Reploid.
        Its honestly a tough call... because Bon is never defined in the games 
at all. The Staff and the Players have pondered for a long time... but 
Mesarthim has finally decided to set what Bon Bonne is for all time!

        And, as you can tell by Bon's +finger, he is a Cyborg!

        Bon, you see, IS the actual third child of Lord and Lady Bonne, the 
parents of Teisel, Tron, and Bon. He was born early in the year 2204, and was 
born handicapped. The birth was very hard on Lady Bonne, and nearly killed 
her, but it was harder on little Bon. In order to survive, Bon would have to 
be placed in a sealed, nearly indestructible life support chamber. IE, Bon's 
robotic head. Lord and Lady Bonne were HIGHLY wealthy and reclusive, but to 
save their son they spared no expense.

        In 2206, Lord and Lady Bonne died when they went to the surface for 
unknown reasons, leaving their children behind in their massive Air Yacht, the 
Gesellschaft. Bon, due to his childlike nature, still remembers his parents 
with perhaps more clarity then even Teisel and Tron do.
        It is now 2218, yet Bon remains still within his support chamber. His 
mentality remains somewhere between a 3 and 5 year old, and he can only 
communicate via 'Babu', a word he can make mean anything.

        Tron, Teisel, and all the Servbots have made adjustments to take care 
and understand Bon. This is likely done via a translation system implanted in 
their earpieces for Tron and Teisel, and built in on the Kobun.

        Bon remains fiercely loyal to his brother and sister. Bodyguard and 
brother, his robotic body was made by the Robotic Genius that was Lord Bonne, 
and later upgraded by Tron, so Bon still remains one of the strongest 'Robots' 
on the planet.

        As you can see, Bon's story is a sad one, but that doesn't make it bad! 
He's happy and with his family, not to mention playing with the Servbots and 
his best friend(In Bon's Mind), Guts Man!(Beward the wrestling matches.)

        So, app for Bon! Teisel and I really need our baby brother!

-+-+ The Lego Queen Cometh! +-+-+ Tron Bonne! +-+-

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/32                     Posted        Author
The Old Men                        Wed Jul 06    Max Armour
I'm fed up with being the only old guy in Interpol. Yes, we have plenty of old 
girls, but none of Max's old war drinking buddies. YOU MUST FIX THIS.

Interpol and, certainly, the Hunters, Civs or even villains are a perfect spot 
for any characters from the old UN army and PA corps, if you fancy a 
straight-laced military-type character who joined one of the major facs after 
its dissolution.

-Many pilots joined the PA Corps and went on to get a Power Armour, these could 
have been built by Ayla, Deo Darrius or possibly even Barrel.

-Old hackers who stick to the classic methods and use archaic V-armours could 
be very interesting.

-Classic military roles like comm officers, mechanics, tank pilots or M*A*S*H 
style medics!

Although Interpol is a 'brains' faction and you're likely to see more action 
where you use your head than sticking a bayonet in something, that's no reason 
to be discouraged. After all, look at Full Metal Panic. As the Yakuza can 
attest to, putting military officers in tamer circumstances can be real wacky. 
If the idea tickles your fancy, page or @mail Max and have a chinwag!

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/33                     Posted        Author
Time for a starblast               Wed Jul 06    General

 Name: Amgis 
 RaceType: Reploid 
 Gender: Male 
 Faction: Mavericks 
 Function: Body Double 
 Quote: "It is the...something...or other. With stuff." 
 Profile: Amgis is the creation of crazed Maverick scientists to create a 
bodydouble for Sigma. An intelligent, to the point of being able to tie his 
own shoes, individual is the Sigma look alike, although he is quite lacking in 
the area of power...or mostly anywhere else. Having undergone the necessary 
infection he has acquired a partial identification with Sigma himself, 
believing that he is either the son or perhaps twin to the Coalition leader. 
Amgis, however, tends to get kicked around and mocked by everyone, and is used 
as a shield by whomever can get him to believe that he is needed. 
 Primary: Amgis Needle

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/34                     Posted        Author
Neo-Arcadian Suggestion            Thu Jul 07    Morgan Thatch
App Neo-Arcadia! You know you want to! Ah, but wait, /who/ should you app in 
Neo-Arcadia? Well, that's what this post is for! 


 See that? That's who you should app in Neo-Arcadia. Why, you may ask? Well 
there's several reasons. First, you get to a Guardian, and thus one of the 
most important people in Neo-Arcadia's power structure. Second, she's ice, 
which is a really cool(no-pun intended) and fairly unique attack type. Also, 
she's a sniper and a manipulator, fun! Lastly... 

...she's my boss. I need a boss. Otherwise I'll be a very sad pirate. ;_;

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/35                     Posted        Author
Repliforce                         Thu Jul 07    Colonel
You saw the news! We're popular! App Repliforce. Nearly any heroic concept is 
appropriate. Solo scout? Done! Squad leader type? Sweet! Walking battle 
platform? Awesome. We also have a lot of unplayed FCs. If you have questions, 
ask General or I.

Colonel - For Honor and Glory.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/32                     Posted        Author
Also                               Thu Jul 07    Cygnus
Rain Turtle is still, somehow, available.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/32                     Posted        Author
Shadow Hunter Brainstorm (I)       Fri Jul 08    Templar Fefnir
Hey all,
I had the wacky idea of apping a Shadow Hunter, and turned to their names 
(based on the letters of the Hebrew alphabet) for inspiration. This amuses me, 
because pseudo-Kabbalistic references are rife in anime (Evangelion) and 
videogames (Xenogears, FF7). 
 Thing is, I went a little overboard, so I thought I'd share what I came up 
with. Hopefully it'll inspire people to look into joining the Yakuza's elite 
android division; at the least, I hope something here sparks your imagination.
(Name) - (Broad association) - (Numerical equivalent)
*(Specific associations - some of these are really random, I know.)
"(My thoughts about one way the character might go.)"

Aleph/Alef - The Paradox: God and Man - 1
*Oxen - gross physical reality, the lower animal soul. 
*Thousand - multiplicity in Creation, the "thousand mountains grazed by the 
*Master of the universe.
"Aleph is the strong-arm of the Shadow Hunters - a hulking, gorilla-like figure 
that specializes in excessive brutality and intimidation. When protection 
money needs to be collected from people that might be dangerous, the Yakuza 
send Aleph. He fights with fists the size of hams, but his real forte is 
making people cave before it even comes to blows."

Dalet - Selflessness - 4
*Collective consciousness; willingness to sacrifice one's life for one's people
*The moon as a symbol of the soul
*Door-- the entrance way to truth.
"Dalet is a master at intrusion, but not via normal methods. He utilizes a 
proprietary Blink engine that, unlike most, can penetrate walls - up to nearly 
4 feet of concrete, if need be. It severely hinders his Blink range if he has 
to pass through a wall, but being free from the line-of-sight limitation is a 
tremendous boon. Due to a fluke of programming, though, he virtually never 
Blinks when he thinks he is being actively observed; whether this is an 
attempt to keep the prototype Blink engine secret, or some weird ninja-pride, 
remains to be determined.
"Otherwise, Dalet is eager to martyr himself for whichever cause he might be 
assigned. Such is his compassion for his fellow Shadow Hunters, he will hurl 
himself in the path of overwhelming odds to protect them from harm."

Mem - Fountain of Wisdom - 40
*Water's ability to bind substances. 
*The evil waters of false, external passions. 
*The plenitude of water and life's dependence on it.
"Mem is the roboticist of the Shadow Hunters, endlessly spawning drones with 
whatever materials he has at hand. He is intensely focused on this goal, 
unless he has an active assignment, in which case he approaches it with the 
same single-mindedness. He is also the Shadow Hunter aquatic operations 
expert, being fully comfortable above and below the surface. As an 
idiosyncrasy, he prefers to do as much of his construction underwater as 
possible, oftentimes accreting raw materials out of the seawater itself with 
electric currents."

Samech - The Endless Cycle - 60
*Supporting the fallen. 
*The miraculous continuation of life in the face of entropy. 
*Welfare: support and encouragement. 
*Circular rings of evolutionary and historical cycles.
"Samech's primary duty is protecting the vulnerable personages of the Yakuza's 
high-ranking human members. To this end, he possesses a wide variety of 
defensive options and superb reaction times.
"Samech's creator must not have had the stomach for the Yakuza's more unseemly 
activities, because Samech possesses a considerable compassionate streak. 
Though far from defenseless, Samech abhors witnessing suffering of any kind, 
and won't harm a non-aggressor without specific and direct orders from a 
superior. This compassion extends to his fellow Shadow Hunters, whom he 
attempts to reach out to continuously; he also, when he is able, volunteers 
for community-service under fake identities. Samech is also powerfully 
superstitious about history's lessons for the future, and the cyclical nature 
of existence."


=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/33                     Posted        Author
Shadow Hunter Brainstorm (II)      Fri Jul 08    Templar Fefnir

Tzade (Tzadi, Tzadik) - Faith of the Righteous One - 90
*Hunting for the fallen, broken vessels of the world of chaos.
* Hunting for the soul's lost sparks.
*The lifeforce of Creation "running" towards its source Above. 
*Form and matter.
"The Yakuza is certainly not lacking in the assassin department, but oftentimes 
the hardest part of exacting retribution is finding the guilty. When a target 
has buried themselves deep in the seedy underbelly of the world, Tzade flies 
out to hunt them down.
"Tzade is a hunter-seeker android, equipped with powerful sensory equipment - 
ground-penetrating radar, thermal imaging, subspace detection devices, and 
everything else in-between. She is also devilishly fast, capable of 
sub-orbital flight as well as pinpoint aerial maneuvers. Her armaments are 
relatively light, but she is capable of neutralizing lightly-defended targets 
on her own.
"When her sensors aren't enough, Tzade is perfectly capable of blending in 
seamlessly among the shadier elements of the underworld to track down leads. 
She's not exactly charismatic, but she gets what she needs from people... even 
if Aleph has to twist it out of them for her."

Kuf/Kuff - Omnipresence, Redemption - 100
*The "boomerang" property of the soul.
*The touching and connection between souls.
*Great strength as revealed in miracles
"Kuf fills in many of the holes among the Shadow Hunters' skill sets - he is 
their jack-of-all-trades. His greatest pleasure, however, is interrogation. 
Kuf is a master interrogator; when the Yakuza need someone broken quickly and 
cleanly, they bring in this android.
"Among Kuf's other skills is security - he can usually be found perusing new 
major Yakuza installations for potential breaches, and often personally 
supervises security at buildings that contain multiple important Yakuza 
members. He is also a most capable pilot for any vehicle he might care to use, 
and he can hold his own in a fight, too, with a panoply of weapons hidden in 
his chassis."

Shin/Sin - Eternal Flame - 300
*The "army of God"
*Stability and harmony in nature. 
*Positive and negative grace; Symmetry groups
"Shin wields a great deal of destructive potential, and his creator imbued him 
with the wisdom and tranquility to use it to best effect. Shin seems to float 
through life as if at peace with everything; his face wears the same 
expression whether he is gazing on a lush spring meadow or torching innocent 
In battle, Shin is capable of deploying a cloud of tiny drones (300 in total) 
referred to collectively as 'the Army of God.' Each drone contains a small 
energy-emitter; they have to remain within a few feet of the android, but he 
is capable of complex manipulations that focus the fire of hundreds of the 
tiny weapons into powerful blasts of plasmatic fire. The Yakuza employ him 
when they have need to destroy hardened installations, or anticipate 
encountering heavy armor: the only downside to his power is the limited range.

Bet/Vet (Beit/Veit) - God's Dwelling Place Below - 2
*Hierarchic complexity
*One's metaphysical "house"--his relationship to reality. 
"The Shadow Hunters fulfill a variety of roles in the Yakuza's hierarchy, and 
Bet provides a much-needed but less-obvious resource: he is a combination 
lawyer and accountant, with all the charisma and intelligence that implies. 
"Bet practically oozes charm in the courtroom, and - though not common 
knowledge - he can subtly affect human moods with subsonic emanations. He is 
the Yakuza legal team's secret weapon, and although he is expertly disguised 
as a human, he is used only in extreme circumstances, lest his uncanny success 
prompt investigations into Bet's background.
"Bet also uses his genius-level intelligence and intimate knowledge of 
corporate law to handle many of the front companies' finances. He relishes the 
mathematical rigidity of numerical systems, and hopes someday to express the 
manipulation of human emotions in similarly concrete terms."

(I'll stop here, I think. For now. Feedback welcome.)

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/30                     Posted        Author
Orange                             Sun Jul 10    Cygnus

Racetype: Reploid 
Affiliation: Civilian 
Function: Anchorman/Interviewer 
Gender: All man, baby 

Quote: "I don't know how to put this... but, I'm kinda a big deal. People know 
me. I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books... and my apartment 
smells of rich mahogany." 

Profile: GNN attracts all types to its organization, and Orange was drawn to 
the ability (nay, the -duty-) to have billions of people watch him intently 
every night. A rampant womanizer and drunk, Orange's incompetence and ability 
to barely avoid getting fired is surpassed only by his massive ego. Believes 
he is God's gift to both women and the news world. Orange has been known to 
make up 'facts' whenever it suits him. Thankfully, the sheer ludicrous nature 
of his 'research' allows his news telling to pass for satire rather than fact. 
Often found either drunk or simply not paying attention, Orange's contribution 
to GNN and the news world as a whole is tenuous at best. 



=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/27                     Posted        Author
Suggestions                        Sun Jul 10    Clown Man
This is the first time I've posted here so I'll make it quick 
Spring Man: App the one person who can beat me at Twister. 
Sarah Storm: App the person that hates me with a passion. You know you want to. 
Grenade or Sword Man: App Theta. We're almost full. Besides, you'd get orders 
from me, and that's always fun.

 "I'm The Man on The Flaming Pie!"

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/28                     Posted        Author
Yakuza Hunter!                     Sun Jul 10    Chet
Name: Chez
Race: Reploid
Function: Yakuza Hunter
Faction: Interpol

Quote: "Free will is something to be cherished and protected."

Profile: During the fall of the Yakuza criminal empire, the commander of the 
Shadow Hunters - Chet - was thought arrested by Interpol. Instead, a 
replacement Chet with a processing core programmed to believe he was the real 
one was given to Interpol, with the belief that the Kumichou was dead - thus 
negating his loyalty programming. He believed Rajura Doji to be deceased along 
with all those in standing to become the Kumichou, and turned states' 
evidence. After cooperating with Interpol by giving them evidence to prosecute 
many high-ranking Yakuza, as well as giving them information that lead to many 
busts, Chet made a plea based on the fact that he had only acted as 
programmed, and begged for his life. Deciding it would be unethical to punish 
a being without true free will, Director Fairchild heard his plea, and with 
the aid of Professor Gate, integrated Chet's processor with a Reploid neural 
net, giving him free will and emotions beyond those which were intended to 
make him ambitious. Redubbed 'Chez', this former Shadow Hunter works with 
efficiency and follows every Interpol protocol down to the last detail, eager 
to prove himself among colleagues who loath him for his past actions. Chez has 
freedom, free will, and a thing that Chet never had: a heart.

PRIMARY: Cobra Strike

This idea is up to many people approving of it, DOOM and Gate included. 
However, it might be interested. Especially with the real Chet still lurking 
out there (and a lot of RP would have to be done before it could happen).

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/29                     Posted        Author
Re: Yakuza Hunter                  Sun Jul 10    Chief R
Interpol is no longer accepting ex-criminals. Especially those with such an 
infamous criminal history like Chet. Sarah accepted Javelin despite her vices, 
and look where it put Interpol.
That's all there is to say about that.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/30                     Posted        Author
Strider Parents 1?                 Mon Jul 11    Kilalu Inada

Yup, be the parents of Ryuwhei and Kilalu Inada. Come back from a long mission, 
only to have found your son has gone missing, your daughter joining Sheena, 
and then find your son has too. Have the ninja moves to knock some discpline 
into your unruly White Dragon Strider kids. Help lower Yosho's Blood Pressure 
while yours raises. We don't want the old man to have a heart attack dealing 
with us!

Name: Kazuhiko Inada
Race: E-Human
Function: Strider Infiltration/Weapons Expert
Faction: Black Dragon Striders
Profile: Kazuhiko Inada is the Japanese father of the two Inada siblings that 
work for the White Dragon Striders. He is well versed and experienced in 
Infiltration and weaponry, and believes in the virtues of honor, loyalty, and 
dedication. He and his wife returned from a long term infiltration mission to 
find that both his son and his daughter had run away, joining the White 
Dragons. He blames Ryuwhei for Kilalu's joining, claiming that Ryuwhei 
convinced Kilalu into following him into the WDS. He chases down the two Inada 
siblings looking to either beat some sense into the pair, or to grab Kilalu 
away form Sheena and the WDS and instill discipline into the young, naive mind 
of the child, after dealing with his disrespectful son. He wields the 
Hurricane Cipher, an air-based cipher that is capable of creating powerful 
slashes using air pressure. It's been said this cipher can even start small 
hurricanes and tornados if mishandled or misused. Kazuhiko is also very well 
versed with other weapons, and was the one who trained Ryuwhei in the use of 
ciphers and Strider skills.

(Contact Kilalu and/or Ryuwhei about our backgrounds and such.)

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/31                     Posted        Author
Strider Parents!                   Mon Jul 11    Kilalu Inada

The mother of the two.

Name: Shu-fang Inada

Race: E-Human

Function: Strider Infiltration/Hand to Hand fighting

Faction: Black Dragon Striders

Profile: Shu-fang Inada is the Chinese mother of the two Inada siblings, and is 
a kind hearted woman who seeks a balance and path in all matters. From early 
childhood, she has always trained in a balance of cipher fighting and 
hand-to-hand martial arts. Her main styles of hand-to-hand fighting are those 
of Dragon Kung Fu and Tiger Kung Fu, both of which she taught to her daughter, 
Kilalu Inada. She approves of Ryuwhei's attitude in matters of careful thought 
and attention, if not always satisfied with his judgment, and sometimes gets a 
bit annoyed with her daughter's impulsive behavior. She doesn't believe that 
Ryuwhei talked Kilalu into joining the White Dragons, but rather that Kilalu's 
youth and inexperience have made Kilalu blind to Sheena's true personality. 
Shu-fang seeks to bring peace back to the Inada family by reuniting the 
siblings with the Black Dragons, and then uniting the striders under Yosho's 
leadership. She does NOT like Sheena at all, going as far as considering her 
unworthy of the title of a true Strider. Along with her martial-arts training, 
Shu-fang Inada uses the Tao Cipher, a water-based cipher that is difficult to 
control as it takes a constant balance to use. Though not very strong, 
Shu-fang is VERY skilled and athletic; it is said that she can strike from any 
angle at anytime to disrupt one's balance, and that she rarely misses or is 

(Same deal as Kazuhiko Inada. Contact Kilalu and/or Ryuwhei for details. Sorry 
for Spamming the boards. I'm not the best at Board writing and try not to do 
it too much.)

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/32                     Posted        Author
Not Another Avian!                 Mon Jul 11    Krieger Wolf
What the hey, this is why you shouldn't play too much Virtual On.

Name: Shinobi Raven
Racetype: Reploid
Affiliation: ??? (pick one, but not Repliforce because birdies are overdone 
Function: Variable Ninja
Gender: Male

Quote: "By the time you hear me, I'm already gone."

Profile: Reploids are almost always designed to imitate the human form to some 
degree. Then, every so often, some oddball skips that entirely. Shinobi Raven 
is a good example of the latter. Designed to reconfigure his shape into a 
sleek high-speed airframe, in his 'normal' mode the raven is quick and 
stealthy....he uses his enhanced speed in his second form to make quick 
insertions and 'deal' with enemies. <insert faction-specific stuff here>. 
Shinobi's somewhat rare and bizarre talent has not come without a price, as 
several test Reploids died in spectacular crashes; one of these unfortunate 
souls was able to shout "She's lost control!" moments before destruction. This 
gave the name to Shinobi's signature attack, where he rams the enemy at high 
speed. Unlike that nameless daredevil, however, Shinobi has perfect control 
over this move.

Primary Name: SLC Dive Type E

Look ma, it's Viper! Errr, Cypher! Err...Myzr...?

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/32                     Posted        Author
App Repliforce!                    Tue Jul 12    General

 RF can still use people! If you're interested in apping it then I'll give you 
the gist of each group. 

                                Infantry Corps                                
        The Infantry Corps is the main fighting force of Repliforce. It's where 
everyone who is built to fight is slotted, and those who want to be on the 
frontlines duking it out during the middle of a war are happily stuck here. It 
requires that people be prepared to fight for the lives of others if need be, 
and at times it calls upon members to be heroic to the point of 
self-sacrifice. It is currently lead by Crescent Grizzly. 

                               Logistics Corps                                
        Logistics relates to the deployment of assets and resources to certain 
locations, the acquirement and usage of knowledge relating to your own 
capabilities and the abilities of others. A member of the Logistics Corps is 
usually someone who spies, infiltrates, hacks, intercepts radio communications 
or anything akin to those. Currently led by Iris. 

                              Engineering Corps                               
        The Engineers are the people who fix things. These are the medics, the 
weapon builders, the smart individuals who will make it so that the ship flies 
straight. More often than not the medics get stuck here, including field 
medics. Current leader is Shining Firefly.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/33                     Posted        Author
Alouette                           Tue Jul 12    Feste

        Also if you app Alouette you get to play with Melissa Vorlaikal, who 
frightens you with her love of Bass and gives you whimsy nicknames but 
understands your sign language.

Which of course means you also get to hang out at my house while I drink tea 
and scowl at thew newspasper in the background.

You know you wanna.


=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/31                     Posted        Author
Ducks                              Thu Jul 14    Mesarthim
Are heavily encouraged, especially in the civilians.

Why not get a duck today?

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/32                     Posted        Author
Beavers                            Thu Jul 14    Gaudile
We should also have more beavers.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/33                     Posted        Author
Geese                              Thu Jul 14    Krieger Wolf
....can we app canadian geese? How about a flock of them as a single 'unit'? XD

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/34                     Posted        Author
Re: Beavers                        Thu Jul 14    Rock
We had a beaver once. Slapshot Beaver, who was 2389472938 walking Canadian 
cliches rolled into one! He fought with a hockey stick, wore a toque, said 
'eh' a lot, and called people hosers.


=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/12                     Posted        Author
Caw! Caw!                          Thu Jul 21    Krieger Wolf
Name: Slash Scarecrow (to avoid confusion with Slash Man and Slash Beast, this 
could be changed to Blade Scarecrow or something)
Affiliation: Maverick
Function: Anti-Air Operations
Gender: Male

Quote: "Ohohohohoho....I'm just a harmless ordinary scarecrow....don't you 
believe me?"

Profile: Bioroids are pretty strange in design, compared to ordinary machines. 
Then there are bioroids who are strange even compared to their kin. Slash 
definitely falls into this category. A Reploid skeleton 'packed' with straw 
and other detritus, Slash is easily mistaken for a real scarecrow. He can hold 
himself perfectly still for hours on end, which only helps the illusion. 
Unfortunately for the world, Slash /isn't/ an ordinary scarecrow; he's quite 
creepy, some say insane due to the Sigma Virus. However, he remains quite 
capable in his role as an anti-air officer with the Coalition; he's in charge 
of preparing countermeasures against aerial intrusion, and is even capable of 
pitching in himself with various weapons. His rival is Wind Crow, who he met 
while the Red Alert soldier was pretending to be a Maverick.

Primary Weapon: Iron Claw
Weapon Type: BLADE
Buster Color: Grey, green, and orange...with a distinctly straw-like appearance 
to synthskin.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/13                     Posted        Author
BOOM!                              Thu Jul 21    Rally
Name: Annihilation Anthropoid 
 Racetype: Reploid 
 Affiliation: Maverick 
 Function: Pyrotechnician 
 Gender: Female 
 Profile: An actress created to do her own stunts in Sci-Fi and Fantasy movies, 
Annihilation soon found her career cut short by her own pyromaniacal 
tendancies. In short, she liked blowing things up a little TOO much. Unable to 
get a job with any studio due to her penchant for annihilating backdrops, 
studios, and large chunks of land, she quickly became embittered with the race 
that created her, for blaming her for their mistakes. Thus it was that she was 
easily recruited by the CRF, and turned her tendancies to an 
organizationally-approved pastime. Annihilation! 
 Primary Weapon: DRAGU SLAVE 
 Weapon Type: Explosive Fire 
 Buster Color: Orange and Red with Black Trim.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/7                      Posted        Author
App Barrel                         Fri Jul 22    Wind Crow
You know you want to play the guy who inspired it all. I mean damn, he's 
Indiana Jones!

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/8                      Posted        Author
Gasp!                              Fri Jul 22    General

 Name: Streak Kiwi 
 RaceType: Reploid 
 Gender: Female 
 Faction: Repliforce 
 Function: Anti-Quick Man 
 Profile: A miniscule machine created along with a few others of the same 
design, Streak lives for dashing about randomly while singing in her beautiful 
little voice. Eccentric and perhaps a little immature, Streak tends to think 
along the lines of a young teenage girl, enjoys bishy men like Zero a lot and 
giggles happily at the mere thought of being hugged by him. Built to be fast 
and agile, she is the Repliforce's attempt to mirror the Quick Man design.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/9                      Posted        Author
Vaya Con Dios!                     Fri Jul 22    Yosho Roshi
Name: Monsignor Martinez
Race: Cyborg
Gender: Male
Faction: Maverick Hunters
Function: Holy Action Hero

Quote: "Vaya Con Dios."

Profile: A Catholic Monsignor hailing from pre-Aztlan Mexico, Monsignor 
Martinez's parish was rife with the corruption of a local drug cartel. 
Deciding to take justice into his own hands, he went on a two month killing 
spree, cleansing the area of the cartel's influence. In a climatic duel with 
the top enforcer of the evil cartel, he was seriously injured, only defeating 
his foe after throwing him from an airplane. The airplane exploded, and 
Monsignor Martinez barely survived, his body found in the wreckage. He was 
taken in by the Maverick Hunters, and given a new, cybernetic body, adding him 
as the Hunter chaplain. Monsignor Martinez prefers a pair of chrome-plated 
pistols, but has other weapons hidden in his new body. Enigmatic, quiet, 
vengeful, and often found smoking cigarettes or drinking tequila, he is no 
angel. Unfortunately, he doesn't speak any English. 

PRIMARY: Los Dias y Las Noches

Bonus points if you get the reference.

"We sacrifice our innocence, so others do not have to." - Black Dragon Credo

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/10                     Posted        Author
Hunter Openings!                   Fri Jul 22    Leo


* Auto!
* Fliptop!
* Roll!
* Lifesaver!
* Douglas!
* Blizzard Wolf!
* Bolt Kraken!

App. Do it.


=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/11                     Posted        Author
Harpuia                            Sat Jul 23    Elpizo
As Io's post said, only app for Harpuia if you are SERIOUSLY going to be 
active, and not just sit around, and possibly not log in. I desperately need a 
Harpuia, and right now, I would really prefer an active one.    

       / \ 
      /   \ 
     / .'. \ 
    / |   | \ 
   /  _> <_  \ 


=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/12                     Posted        Author
Akira!                             Sun Jul 24    Kenichi Kurasuma
Name: Akira Kurasuma
Race: cyborg
Gender: Male
Faction: Your choice
Function: Wandering Ninja

Quote: Rivalry can often inspire one's skill to become its best! True strength 
is something money and credit cards cannot buy!

Profile: Akira Kurasuma the long lost twin brother of Kenichi Kurasuma. These 
two are very similar in many ways other than looks. They even share the same 
drive to become the best at what they do. Akira lives his life traveling the 
world to test his skills against the best of the best. In hopes of proving 
that his better than Kenichi. His way of fighting differs from his brothers, 
as he prefers more brutish tactics than anything. While visiting home 
(Neo-Tokyo) he heard of his brothers cybernetic enhancement. Beliving that his 
brother was trying to outdo him, through cybernetics. He as well got some work 
done, he even went to the same Doctor. His brothers got the Fatal Touch 
cybernetic arms and he? Well he got the Anti-touch cybernetic limbs that 
redirects damage in all shapes and fashions towards him at the assailant. Like 
his other half he travels with a chimera android, known as Kyujin. Who happens 
to be the twin android of Kenichis android pal Ryujin. Kyujin is a cross 
between a wolf and lion and shows strong traits comparable to both. Akira 
fights with a weapon known as Masa&Mune which has the ability to merge 
together and form the grand blade Masamune.

Primary: Masa&Mune=8 Melee Blade energy

Okay you get free range to work with this concept and plus you get to be my 
awesome twin brother as well as my rival. I'll be willing to work with anyone 
who decides to pick up this concept. Including technical mumbo ect, ect.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/13                     Posted        Author
NA                                 Sun Jul 24    Chris Mainards

 So you know all about Harpuia being wanted...what about the others? 
 Fairy Leviathan -- She's a hardcore sniper and feared. 
 Alouette -- Icon of NA, loved by all, armed with a kitten plushie. 
 Andrew -- Old and yet not afraid to whup you youngsters. 
 Hibou -- He enjoys eating robots. 
 Hien -- Born from fifty gazillion strider genes! Master of Doom! 
 Menart -- Knight in Shining Armor for Alouette. 
 Rocinolle -- Single most feared medic in Neo Arcadia. 
 Cerveau -- He's a genius with weapons and able to pilot vehicles. 
 Ciel -- NA's version of Wily, Light, Cossack, Doppler, etc.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/14                     Posted        Author
Maverick Command.                  Sun Jul 24    Agile
We are in need of multiple people. These people being; 

1. Byte 
2. Violen 
3. Anyone else that's a Maverick. Really, we are quite serious when it comes 
down to it, but be are fun as well. We aren't all doom and gloom, even if we 
cause it! 

Please, adopt a maverick today! They are all so happy! 

(Pictures of many Mavericks with LARGE PUPPY EYES OF DOOM compel you here.)

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/11                     Posted        Author
App Neo Arcadia! OC Suggestion!    Tue Jul 26    Scorpio
Name: Abraham Teach
Racetype: E-Human
Affiliation: Neo Arcadia
Function: Aquatic First Strike
Gender: Male
Quote: Our agreement was to let you go. I said nothing about being alive.
Profile: His birth name unknown, Abraham Edward Teach considers himself the 
last true descendant of the famed pirate Blackbeard. A thief and a pirate who 
made his living assaulting cruise ships and oil tankers, Abraham was captured 
by Repliforce and incarcerated five years ago. Freed from prison during a 
Texas prison break, he fled to Mexico and became an early adoptee of Neo 
Arcadian doctrine. Swarthy and ill-mannered, he is nevertheless polite to 
women and a man of his word, though he tends to follow the letter of his word 
rather than the meaning, making him a dangerous man to deal with. Modified by 
Neo Arcadian science, he has the olfactory capabilities of a Great White Shark 
and is able to distend his jaws to eat things much larger than himself. Also 
able to breath underwater and generate mild electric shocks, his abilities are 
limited on land, which is why he also typically carries a bandolier of 
single-shot pistols and a beam cutlass.
Primary: Blood In The Water (Blade)
Weaknesses: Chemical Air
Resistances: Water Electric

                        Scorpio, first boss of Megaman X7


=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/12                     Posted        Author
NA OC #2                           Tue Jul 26    Scorpio
Name: Ekundayo Eze
Racetype: E-Human
Affilation: Neo Arcadia
Function: First Strike
Gender: Male
Quote: If the spirits of our ancestors do not protect us, then we must make do 
on our own.
Profile: A former Kenyan, Ekundayo was cast from his home when the Robot 
Masters conquered Africa, his family targetted for removal due to their 
refusal to accept Doctor Wily's rule. Travelling with his family, he 
eventually found himself on Eurasia, where he left his parents after a fight 
over their future. Refusing to forgive the Robot Masters for destroying his 
family home, he joined a rebel group operating out of Egypt and was later 
recruited into Neo Arcadia. Forgoing any sense of traditional values, he is 
active and opportunistic, leaping upon possibilities with a fervor that scares 
his friends. Ambitious and more than a little vain, he has designs on being a 
Guardian someday, but even the most open-minded instructors point out that he 
has a lot to learn. Modified with feline DNA, he is faster on foot than even 
the fastest cats, and has retractable claws that he can bring to bear in 
combat. Lightly armed, his role is to avoid damage and break through enemy 
lines... he's more a scout than a warrior.
Primary: Cat Scratch Fever (Blade)
Weakensses: Blunt
Resistances: Air

                        Scorpio, first boss of Megaman X7


=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/13                     Posted        Author
NA OC 3 of 3!                      Tue Jul 26    Scorpio
Name: Adriana McMasters
Racetype: E-Human
Affilation: Neo Arcadia
Function: Retrieval Specialist
Gender: Female
Quote: Have you ever seen what brown recluse venom does? The next person to say 
anything about parlors or flies is going to find out.
Profile: A young woman from Arizona, Adriana found herself drawn to the 
Children of Eve during college. As a member of the anti-robot cult, she found 
herself rapidly disillusioned following their leader's alliance to the Robot 
Masters. Leaving the cult, she wandered for three years before finding Neo 
Arcadia. In that time, she had earned a modest living as a catburglar and 
bounty hunter, sometimes bringing people to justice who were framed for crimes 
that she herself had committed. Modified with arachnid DNA, she has gained the 
power to generate webbing through modified spinnerets in her torso, and has 
gained both the agility of a spider and the ability to deliver bites laced 
with spider poison. Acerbic and sarcastic, she detests being compared to 
fictional spiders, from Spider-Man to Charlotte, and has a vindictive streak 
to people who make her angry. Nevertheless, she gets a lot of bad spider jokes 
made behind her back. An expert with ropes and making traps, she has taught 
herself how to spin webs into funnels, simple net traps, and ropes to suspend 
herself with.
Primary: Black Widow's Bite (Chemical Blade)
Weakensses: Fire
Resistances: Chemical

                        Scorpio, first boss of Megaman X7


=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/14                     Posted        Author
Berkana!                           Wed Jul 27    Gate
Now would be a /good/ time to app the RF's resident cyberwitch. I'll be around 
as Gate for a while yet and... things... will happen. As I said, now would be 
a /good/ time to app Berkana. So app!

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/15                     Posted        Author
Spy versus Spy                     Thu Jul 28    Fey
        Name: Kenichi Kunari
        Gender: Male
        Faction: Neo Arcadia (White Dragon Strider)
        Function: White Dragon Spy
        Quote: "This'll show that evil Black Dragon spy who's boss!"
        Profile: A runaway from Yosho Roshi's training, Kenichi Kunari hails 
from a Kato-style ninjitsu clan which had been absorbed into the Strider clans 
only recently. Brash and determined despite his young age, he stands out 
primarily for only two things: His craftiness, and his incompetance. Acting as 
a counter-espionage agent, his job is to hunt and kill spies working for 
enemies of Neo Arcadia and the White Dragons. His methods are unorthodox, and 
tend to border on the bizzarre at times, though he is reasonably effective at 
what he does.
                Weapon: Shining Cipher = 8 Melee Energy Blade
        Name: Ayame Kunari
        Gender: Female
        Faction: Civilian (Black Dragon Strider)
        Function: Black Dragon Spy
        Quote: "This'll show that evil White Dragon spy who's boss!"
        Profile: Ayame Kunari hails from a Kato-style ninjitsu clan that has 
been assimilated into the Strider clans only recently. Stubborn and 
hard-headed, she tends to disagree with her teacher's methods, but still has 
this thing about not quitting that simply forces her to complete Yosho Roshi's 
training regimen and become a true Strider. Preferring to avoid direct combat, 
she prefers counter-espionage work, targeting spies and infiltrators from the 
evil factions of the world and assassinating them in their own game. Creative 
and resourceful - Sometimes to a fault - she tends to make elaborate traps 
with varying degrees of effectiveness.
                Weapon: Negative Cipher = 7 Melee Gravity Blade
Please don't kill me.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/16                     Posted        Author
Pop!                               Thu Jul 28    Masquerade
Name: Baldwin Herald
Race: Human
Faction: Neo Arcadia
Function: Blitz Assault.
Quote: "C'mon, I just want to make you go pop..."
Profile: Let it be clarified, Baldwin is /not/ crazy. He is extensively 
qualified in his preferred method of attack and his competance should not be 
questioned at any point. With that out of the way it should be mentioned that 
Baldwin is an expert at crafting bombs, and usually tends to demonstrate only 
a limited competance at using them effectively. A product of E-Human 
enhancement and administrative fabrication more than likely creating bits and 
pieces of his 'education' simply to allow him to persue in full his passion 
for 'making things go pop'. Whilst not blowing chunks into Reploids, Androids, 
walls or your mother Baldwin enjoys taking risks. Rock climbing and chess are 
one of his favorites. That is, of course, if he doesn't try to blow them up 
Primary: Happy Bombs

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/17                     Posted        Author
Cyber-Steve                        Fri Jul 29    Rush Raccoon
App Cyber-Steve. That is all.

~~~~|     | |    \       **Rush Raccoon**
~~~~| ____|_|____/          Rocket = <3

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/18                     Posted        Author
Roll                               Fri Jul 29    Auto
Roll needs apping. Cute little girls should not go unapped. 

Or else I will run over small animals with the Autotrack.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/19                     Posted        Author
Re: Roll                           Fri Jul 29    Mac
Heroing will cease unless we get a Roll.

You have been warned.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/20                     Posted        Author
App Eurasia! WE R COOL             Fri Jul 29    Nova
Name: Rocksteady
Gender: Male
Faction: Eurasia
Function: Club District Bouncer
Quote: "Da woist is what we do best."

Rocksteady was originally created to be a DJ at a club on Earth, but sadly the 
club folded due to the fact that he was completely tone deaf. Unable to find 
work DJing in other clubs he ended up on Eurasia where he found a position as 
a bouncer in the Club District where he met Bebop--and later met The Shredder 
after a night of binge drinking on the job.

Name: Bebop
Gender: Male
Faction: Eurasia
Function: Eurasia Insurance Repo-Man
Quote: "It's times like dis, dat make me wish I could count so I would know the 

Bebop was created by a Yakuza front to be a strong-arm enforcer. As such he 
wasn't created with intelligence in mind. Much to their chagrin it turned out 
he was too stupid to follow instructions correctly, and so he was abandoned to 
his own devices. With no skill other than smashing things he got a job as a 
repo-man from an insurance company on Eurasia. His fondness for binge drinking 
caused him to spend more time in the Club District than at work, which is how 
he met Rocksteady and eventually The Shredder.

Name: The Shredder
Gender: Neuter
Faction: Eurasia
Function: Sentient Quizinart turned Kingpin
Quote: "Cowards! Must I do everything myself?"

Within the heart of every Gate-bot lies a fear unknown to the majority of the 
world--Until now. The sentient quizinart invented by Gate while working for 
Interpol has slipped it's master's leash. After freely wandering Eurasia 
station it came across those it deemed to be suitable minions to further it's 
ambitions of becoming a powerful overlord of the underworld. Everyone has to 
start somewhere, and so 'The Shredder' spreads it's reign of terror over 
Eurasia's finest chefs, demanding they pay a protection fee--Unless they want 
to face the fury of 'Puree'.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/21                     Posted        Author
Chef Shark                         Sat Jul 30    Cygnus

Racetype: Reploid 
Affiliation: Repliforce (or other, really) 
Function: Combat Chef 
Gender: Male (could be female, though) 

Quote: "Would you like a side order of asskicking with that?" 

Profile: Cheerful and energetic, CHEF SHARK could not have found a better fit 
in Repliforce. Originally designed for gourmet cooking, Chef found that he 
wanted more in life. Excitement, glory, camaraderie! Already a strong and 
dexterous mech, Chef turned to the Repliforce, enlisting as a cook. During an 
attack on the MASH unit he was stationed at, Chef valiantly took the fight to 
the enemy (choose one for a rivalry). Showing bravery and loyalty, Chef was 
upgraded to combat grade, given flamethrowers capable of frying dinner or 
frying Robot Masters, as well as a massive butcher knife for chopping up 
vegetables or chopping up Mavericks. For all his optimistic, go get 'em 
attitude, however, Chef Shark's resolve is often heavily tested when 
confronted deadly, blood splattered business of war. 

Primary Weapon: Barbecue 


=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/22                     Posted        Author
Ciel's Shadow                      Sat Jul 30    Tron Bonne

Name: Achilles Delphiki(Alias: Bean)
Chartype: Original Character
Racetype: E-Human
Affiliation: Neo Arcadia
Function: Childlike Supergenius
Rank: 0/Battleschool Brat
Gender: Make

Quote: "I may be small, but it'd be a mistake to underestimate me."

Profile: Achilles Anton Delphiki is the creation of a partially insane genetic 
engineer. Created through an illegal genetic process, his creator turned what 
has been come to be known as 'Anton's Key' in genetic engineering. Anton's Key 
removes the limiters in the human genome for both intelligence and growth. 
Those with Anton's Key turned begin life very small, can walk when they are a 
month old, and talk by age one. They're capacity for learning remains that of 
a newborns for their entire life span, which is sadly shortened by the 
giantism caused by the unlocking of Anton's Key. Escaping from the lab where 
he was born at an early age, Achilles(pronounced in French: ah-SHEEL) grew up 
wandering from city to city via the teleporters and taking what welfare he 
could. He watched, and learned, and grew. Now, at the age of five, he is no 
more then two feet tall... but has the mind of a genius. Learning what he was 
after returning the lab where he was made, he decided he would do something to 
change it. Learning about Neo Arcadia's Geneticist, Ciel, Achilles traveled to 
Neo Arcadia to learn from her. After learning of their cause, and not 
harboring any like for robots because of the horrors he had witnessed on the 
streets, Achilles decided to join them. His ability to learn remarkably fast, 
and accepting E-Humanizing treatments to make his body more likely to survive 
his eventual Giantism, he serves Neo Arcadia as a tactician and as Ciel's 
Apprentice. He has recently begun to implement a school system to orphan 
children, seeking out the gangs he once ran with, and beginning to teach them 
the ways of Neo Arcadia.

Primary Weapon: The Enemy Gate Is Down
Buster Color: Red, Orange, Red

-+-+ The Lego Queen Cometh! +-+-+ Tron Bonne! +-+-

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/23                     Posted        Author
Subspace Slug                      Sat Jul 30    Singularity Shrike
Name: Subspace Slug
Racetype: Reploid
Affiliation: Repliforce
Function: Field Armorer/Arms Room Supervisor
Rank: 0/Private
Gender: Either/Or

Subspace Slug is a bit of an experimental unit, along the lines of Gate Man and 
Gravity Antlion. He was built specifically for Repliforce to serve as a field 
armory/weapons maintenance. However, Subspace, having a very large neural net 
(needed to maintain the subspace and inventory everything in it) was not 
satisfied with just that, and invented two "armors" for himself: The Fortress 
5.5 and the Experimental Ride Armor Metal Slug. The 5.5 is not mobile by 
anymeans; in fact, it cannot move, as Subspace forms a hard, stationary shell, 
and deploys his entire armory. This effectively turns him into a very heavily 
armed bunker. The Experimental Ride Armor Metal Slug is not really a Ride 
Armor nor is it actually experimental. It is actually a tank that houses 
Subspace for extra speed. In this mode, Slug has two main modes of fire: 
Multi-directional laser cannon, and a very large bore cannon that fires 
massive shells of many different types. Subspace has three major failings: He 
is not that fast, relying on a large hover-skiff to get around, a problem with 
dealing with sudden influxes of energy, and very delicate internals. However, 
Slug is also very resistant to changes in ambient temperature.

Primary Weapon: Full Auto
Type: Misc
Buster Color: Silver and Grey
Resistances: Blunt, Fire, Ice
Weakness: Energy, Electricity, Timestopper

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/24                     Posted        Author
Berkana                            Sun Jul 31    Cygnus
Whenever I check the Repliforce box, my first thought is 'Boy, I hope there's a 
Berkana app waiting there for me!' I'm serious. It's really sad.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/25                     Posted        Author
Ducks                              Sun Jul 31    Mesarthim
I'm serious here people, I have money riding on this.

App some ducks already! Ducks are friendly and intelligent and have all sorts 
of potential justifications for various things. You can be a fighter duck, a 
medic duck, an artillery duck... an investigative duck, a socialite duck, a 
spacefaring duck! A duck is a good chassis for any concept you can think of, 
and unlike foxes, they aren't really really common.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/26                     Posted        Author
Re: Ducks                          Sun Jul 31    Dr. Light
You could even go for double word score, and be an investigator duck for 

The terror that flaps in the night, even.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/27                     Posted        Author
Wood Duck                          Sun Jul 31    Mirror Orange
Chartype: Original Character 
Racetype: Reploid 
Affiliation: Civilian 
Function: Botanical Research 
Gender: Male (or female, doesn't matter) 
Quote: "Pinus Longaeva, or the bristlecone pine tree, is among one of the 
oldest trees known to man. It grows only in the arid mountain regions where it 
gains its characteristic gnarled appearance from the harsh winds. The oldest 
known bristlecone pine tree is nearly /5,000/ years old. You can learn a lot 
about our history just by studying the forests!" 

Profile: Wood Duck was created as a joint project between a U.S. forest 
protection organization and the few roboticists willing to create a reploid 
out of the strangest material to build a reploid out of. Namely, wood. He went 
through years of vigorous learning studying the various trees, plants, and to 
an extent wildlife - soon after he travelled across the country in various 
national forests, teaching both adults and children the importance of 
conserving plant life. However, he became bored with his life, and not willing 
to fight in the war for fear of his death, and quit his teaching job where he 
instead began his foray into botany and the genetic engineering of enhanced 
trees and crops. An adventurous individual from all of his treks into the 
often dangerous wild, Wood is never afraid to take risks - unfortunately, to 
the point of being cocky sometimes. HE is very intelligent and knowledgeable 
and enjoys flaunting it in the form of random trivia and thrown-out facts. 
Wood Duck is very concerned with the environment around him and strives to 
both improve it and to educate others. Due to his design, he is extremely 
flammable (as well as prone to termite infestations), but he has the ability 
to fly, aided with rockets, and his buoyant design allows him to swim in water 
much like a real duck.

Skills: Dendrology, Environmental Awareness, Tree Identification, Look Ma I'm A 
Squirrel, Swimming, The Power Is Yours, Worst Enemy: Termites, These 
Woodpeckers Never Leave Me Alone, Why Do These Dirty Hippies Keep Chaining 
Themselves To Me?, Botany

     .---. .==.
    *  '  *=="   - Maverick Hunter Mirror Orange - 
    *     *                - D Class - 

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/28                     Posted        Author
Sina Duck                          Sun Jul 31    Phantom Spectre
Name: Sina Duck

Faction: Civilian

Function: Evil villian

Gender: Male

Racetype: Reploid

Motto: "MUAHAHAHAHA! Am I really crazy or do tha world fear my ingenuis mind? 
I'll let you think over this while yoru time grows short do-gooder! Doh! 
aslobbering suckatash you've got me monolouging!"

Profile: Once a brilliant research known as Fixa Duck who spent his time doing 
what he believe to be good for the world. That is until he begin working on a 
suit of armor that gave would augment the wearers abilities. By collecting 
free radical energies to be used to amplify their power. Sadly the company he 
was working for Ducko weren't satisfied with his results. so they cut his 
fundings drastically and ordered him to quit working on the suit. This pushed 
him over the edge, causing him to work obsessedly over creating the suit. One 
stormy night while testing the suit a thunderbolt struck him. His neural net 
was serverely damaged and altered his personality. Changing him from the kind, 
work obsessed Fixa duck into the violent evil genius Sina duck. He quit 
working for ducko and soon held himself up within a forgotten castle. He soon 
designed many Duck drones to do his bidding. His ragtime group was foiled many 
times over from their attempts at bank robberies and other crimes by various 
super heros. 

Skills: Plotting evil, creating minions, hiring minions, looking cool, getting 
beat by the good guys, acting a fool, Monologuing

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/29                     Posted        Author
Mr. Armstrong!                     Sun Jul 31    Phantom Spectre
Name: Atlas

Faction: Civilian

Function: Heavy contruction/Mr. Armstrong!

Gender: Male

Racetype: Reploid

Quote: "Evil villians beware of me, for I am Mrrrrrrrrrrrrr. 
Armstronggggggggg!!!!!!" *Flexes numerous times*

Profile: Atlas once served in Repliforce as a veteran whose courage and 
strength was beyond measure. Some say his courage comes from his stupidity and 
reckless behavior in battle. Others say it's just his warriors spirit no 
matter where it comes from his to be noted as one tough bot. His time with 
Repliforce was short due to his retirement from service. After which he worked 
for a contruction company, yet his desire to aid the publick grew stronger. 
This is when the city he lived in at the time was under attack by a group of 
mavericks. Quickly he rushed to battle the threat using his guts and 
instincts, he substained major damage though he did drive them back. After 
being repaired he tooked it upon himself to fight crime under the secret 
identity of Mr. Armstrong! to him his the embodiment of justice. People will 
find it that he can become annoying quickly as his always talking about his 
muscles and immense strength. Named after the legendary titan who was forced 
by Zeus to hold the world on his shoulders. To him his life of figthing crime 
can be just that, the world on his shoulders. He has a loooong list of enemies 
to crack down on and of all the villians Sina Duck seems to be #1. The duck 
matches a combination of strength and wits when the two battles it out. Though 
usually Atlas aka Mr. Armstrong! quick thinking is what brings the rascally 
duck to his knees. It's been rumoured that he was once a memeber of the 
Marvelous 6 a band of superheros who kept civilian crime to a minimal around 
the world.

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/30                     Posted        Author
Captain Marvel                     Sun Jul 31    Phantom Spectre
Name: Adam Marvel

Faction: Civilian

Function: Captain Marvel/Eurasian Guard

Gender: Male

Racetype: Reploid

Motto: "That's right chumps Marvel at my superior power! For I am Captain 

Profile: Adam Marvel was built by James Proteus the original Captain Marvel as 
a son and replacement for the aging vigilante. After years of training the 
newest Captain Marvel was born. He may seem cold and angry at times, but that 
is only a cover-up. His alter ego Adam Marvel is quiet, cool, and smooth. He 
works as a member of the Eurasian guard his only a private and loves being one 
of Nova's lackeys. He has a growing intellect and is intrigue by the latest of 
gadgets. He has a strong sense of justice and is quite courageous, fore 
backing back is the sign of cowardice. He learn basic robotics and is a avid 
gadgeteer with many blueprints for new inventions. He is full of confidence 
and always look for the bright side to all things. Usually he can be found 
hanging out with co-workers, or at his fathers estate tinkering with new crime 
fighting toys. His biggest dream is to bring together the worlds hero's to 
combat crime as one team. He lives by the code that is composed of Justice and 
common sense. When it comes to martial arts and fighting with his extendable 
Marvel staff his top notch. What he lacks he makes up for in many other areas. 
His friends usually questions him when he disappears in a crisis, only to show 
up when it's over. They usually laugh at him and call him a coward, but he 
knows the truth for he is Captain Marvel!

Skills: Gadgeteering, Martial Arts, Staff fighting, Alter Ego, Sense of 
Justice, Basic Forensics, Basic Crimology, Eurasian Guard

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/31                     Posted        Author
Bushin Duck                        Sun Jul 31    Krieger Wolf
Faction: ??? (good guy, bad guy, your choice)
Function: Swordsman
Gender: Male
Racetype: Reploid
Quote: "Now I will show you the power of my ancient technique....hey, stop 

Profile: Perhaps someone's idea of a sick joke, Bushin Duck is nevertheless 
utterly serious. Built to imitate the samurai of ancient Japan, Bushin's 
weapon of choice is....a stick. He considers himself to be so skilled that he 
shuns blades, lest he defeat his enemies too easily. This causes people to 
wonder at the samurai wielding a stick, and their laughter gives him plenty of 
opportunity to attack. In spite of the benefits it brings, Bushin really 
wishes people would stop laughing....

Primary: Slashy Stick
Weapon Type: BLADE (possibly Blunt)

Skills: FARFETCH'D!, Stop Laughing Dammit!, ...Then I'll Just Kill You, Not 
Another Robo Samurai, Takes Himself More Seriously Than He Should

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/30                     Posted        Author
POX Reporters!                     Sun Jul 31    Tron Bonne

        If GNN is the Fruit... then POX is... THE VEGETABLES!

        Onion: The Anchorman!
        Carrot: Ace Reporter!
        Garlic: Weathergirl!

        And, many more!

        And, lets not forget Chest's Arch Rival, Manager of POX news...

        BACK! Yes. Back. Thats his name. Chest. Back. Get it? AHAHAHA! I kill 

-+-+ The Lego Queen Cometh! +-+-+ Tron Bonne! +-+-

=========================== Character Suggestions ============================
Message: 27/31                     Posted        Author
GNN Idea                           Sun Jul 31    Fey
        Name: Watermelon
        Function: Sportscaster
        Quote: "Football rules! All those big burley men swarming over one tiny 
object! ... In fact, it's like going to a club with a short skirt!"
        Profile: A party girl at heart, Watermelon is the adventurous type who 
seems unsuited to the relatively calm work as a news girl. Excitable and 
active, she seems more like the type that should be playing sports, not 
covering them. Even when delivering the news, Watermelon can't seem to sit 
still, pantomiming as she talks. Off the job, she's largely the same, never 
sitting still for anything. She lacks even the smallest amount of patience, 
always wanting things to happen. When not covering sports, she can be found at 
dance clubs and bars, chatting it up with sports heros and soldiers alike. 
Raves are the best, since her ants-in-the-pants nature is perfect for 
psychotic techno dancing.
        Primary Weapon: Kamikaze Melons 6 ranged explosive
        Skills: Sports Coverage, Knowledge: Football, Knowledge: Baseball, 
Knowledge: Basketball, Knowledge: Quintball, Knowledge: Tennis, Knowledge: 
Badminton, Knowledge: Volleyball, Knowledge: Extreme Dwarf Tossing, Knowledge: 
Archery, Knowledge: Golf, Knowledge: Sports Heroes, Knowledge: Brass Rackets, 
Knowledge: Kitten Cannon

<-- Jun 2005                                                      Aug 2005 -->

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