<-- 2005                                                              2007 -->

================================== Tartarus ==================================
Message: 17/5                      Posted        Author
Bounty                             Wed Jan 04    Dr. Psyche
A bounty of 10 Million Zenny has been placed on Duo.EXE, with an anonymous 
sponsor. Apparently, if someone can show proof they have killed the program, 
they will be contacted immediatly for electronic transfer.

================================== Tartarus ==================================
Message: 17/6                      Posted        Author
The Anti-Virus                     Sun Jan 08    Signas

 A little note is up on the Tartarus boards. 

 "I keel you, Sig-er-ma, I keel you so bad that you bleed all over and whimper 
quietly. I keel you until you can't be keeled anymore. If you're Bald enough 
to dare face me then I'll fight you in the arena, nobody helping me and nobody 
helping you. Just you and me beating the ever loving hell out of each other." 
 ~ Signas

================================== Tartarus ==================================
Message: 17/7                      Posted        Author
Cat Rental Services                Tue Jan 17    Crystal Man
A new criminal enterprise has opened. Those with criminal contacts will hear of 
it quickly.

'Crystal Cat Rental - For All Your Public Villain Needs!'

Essentially, it's a cat rental service, specializing in yawning persians, 
glaring siamese and other such in-demand breeds of Villain Lap Cat. It's said 
that the Robot Master Crystal Man is running it. However, it does not 
discriminate by faction, belief or, indeed, /anything/. ('Yes, Elpizo, we will 
provide you and Wesker with cats, too!' is often tagged on the end of the 
pitches from various contacts.)

[[missed posts]]

================================== Tartarus ==================================
Message: 17/1                      Posted        Author
TnAV: TERROR IN TARTARUS!          Wed Apr 12    Tron Bonne
-Ultra Octopus appears, wailing in sadness and weeping copious amounts of 

        "Tragedy, sports fans! TRAGEDY!"
        "Tonight's main even, Teisel Bonne versus Lumine became a TRAGEDY! Even 
I, the great Lord of Octopi, must weep in sorrow... ...the Bonnes, breaking 
the rules of the Arena, attacked Lumine in mass! Teisel's Ride Armor was 
really a shell piloted by a Bonne Joe, and Teisel appeared in a new Ride 
Armor... which we think was called the Blitzkrieg, and he, his cowardly 
sister, and the little punk Bon all attacked Lumine!"
        "If it wasn't for our glorious co-proprieter, Vile, he would have been 
alone! But... that isn't all, folks..."

        "Tron Bonne, the #@$^&, detonated a bomb in the Arena after the Bonnes 
fled the fight, having hidden it inside the shell of Teisel's Ride Armor, The 
Bruno!" More tears. Its beginning to rise up to camera level. "Not only 
that... but it was a DIRTY BOMB! ...The damage to the Arena means we're going 
to be closed for at least a week, and the Securitat order that all civilians 
avoid the Arena." Sniffle, "Because of the Force Metal Contamination they have 
to clean up." Snort.

        "No lives were lost, thanks to the Arena's shield and the glorious 
Lumine saving our proprietor from the FILTHY BONNE TRICKS!"

        "This is Ultra Octopus, wishing you... the FIGHT OF YOUR LIVES!" 

        Ultra whispers, "...normal TnAV will be preempted by 24 hour softcore 
porn until the restoration of the Arena."


        "Oh, Vile... your helmet is so... bii..."

-signal off!-

-+-+ The Lego Queen Cometh! +-+-+ Tron Bonne! +-+-

================================== Tartarus ==================================
Message: 17/2                      Posted        Author
The Bonnes                         Wed Apr 12    Vile

        The Bonnes have been, of course, banned from Tartarus by Vile for 
"Cheating Badly". Ultra Octopus has promised that the Sheol Pits will be back 
as soon as possible, and when they do, they'll be 'seventeen times more 
awesome than before'. He's probably exaggerating, though. It'll only be like 
ten or eleven times.

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[[missed posts?]]

================================== Tartarus ==================================
Message: 17/1                      Posted        Author
Open Challenge                     Mon Jun 26    Hard Man
Word going around is that Hard Man Wily, the famed Robot Master wrestler, is 
looking for challengers. He has issued an open challenge to anyone, and 
everyone. He wants to fight, and he doesn't care when. Name the time, and 
he'll find a way to be in Tartarus to give you the fight of your life.

(OOC Stuff: Contact Hardo via mush mail, AIM WhtStrykerTyger or YIM transfan1 
to set up fights. I need RP!)

<-- 2005                                                              2007 -->

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