Day 11  2001.12.06

Another field trip day, but this time I took more pix. We're going to a zoo, but not the Phoenix Zoo. It's a lesser known zoo on the outskirts. It just opened to the public recently, but has been operating for years as a breeding zoo.

On the way there we cross the New River.
Looks like they forgot to renew it.

They had a very beautiful adolescent White Tiger. You'll see more of him.

See, told ya so. He was either very playful or hungry & hopeful. He stalked my daughter for awhile, then he decided I might be worth a munch and took off after me.

Enough of this, I'm ready for a nap.


Inside the reaptile house, there's more nature, red in tooth and claw.  And more irony: here's a rat eating a snakeskin.
He doesn't realize he's in there to be food for the snake.

Here's the snake. Stalking my daughter.

This is a maned wolf, a close relative of the north american fox. He lives down in the savannahs of South America.
He looks like a cross of Smokey & Lion, our dogs.

Here's a rabbit looking into the zoo at us. Irony, I love you.

There were a pair of black leopards there. Oooooh beautiful. They had two cages connected by a skyway that went over a walk so you could stand under them. There was one in the skyway while I was under, but you'd have to know what you're looking at to make sense of the pictures.

Later, they were hungry, so they stood about the door waiting for their food. Then they started yowling. If you've ever heard a cat in heat, it was like that, only louder.  After a while of that they got annoyed and this one turned around and sprayed the door.
Ah, for the roamntic life of a zookeeper

Back to the tiger cage, and he's lounging around just like Lion does.

On the drive back, we see some beautiful roads.  It must be nice not to have to worry about frost heave.


You'd expect to have a blast on Dynamite Rd, but it's in the middle of nowhere.

Day 13
The Trek