Day 27  2001.12.22

We spent a nice day sitting in chairs that weren't going 65 mph. And showing poor Kelly all the pictures from the trip. Annemarie shows her interest behind Albuquerque.

That evening we went to South Street to peruse a comic books shop as Dwyn's really into trading card games. On the way there, we see a bunch of people standing on a corner with candles.  Kelly asks what the candlelight vigil is for and we find out that the Olympic Torch is due to be passed at this corner in a few minutes.

So we get our own candles and little flags and wait. Finally we see flashing lights in the distance. A cop car comes by, and then a Coke truck, complete with polar bear.
Then there was a rolling Chevrolet advertisement, etc, etc.

Finally, an actual Olympic torch & runner.
Boy he's fast.

The comic book store was pretty cool. There's nothing like it around us. Heck, there isn't even a good bookstore within 50 miles of our home. They had what Dwyn wanted and were very interested in our trip. We promised to mention them on out travelogue, so here they are.
Ignore the sign; they're actually Atomic City Comics on 640 South Street.

Then to bed to rest up for the final 3 hour drive back home.

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Day 27
The Trek