The city
The S.D.G.

The kingdom

The land

The Dark Axis
The army


GBA Game
PS2 Game

Anime Adaptation
SDGF Gaiden
Musha Retsuden
Superior Defender World Series
by Cybertoy00

   My first SD Gundam Force fic! Four teams, representing the four nationalities of SD Gundam Force, play baseball against each other! Zako zako!

Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4

Superior Defender World Series
3. ZakoZako Hour

The Lounge was a small area in Neotopia Stadium where people could relax, talk, and basically chill. There was a bar where drinks where served, and a stage where ZakoZako Hours took place.

Shute sipped through a straw a glass of root beer, the victory from earlier still fresh in his mind. He looked at Captain, who was standing near his table and said, “Fun game, huh?”

Captain nodded. “Yes, it was.” He turned his head slightly. “Hello Zero, your majesty.”

Shute looked to where Captain was looking, and saw Rele and Zero walking up to them. Zero pulled a chair from another table and offered it to Rele. Sitting down, Rele nodded to Shute and Captain.

“I thought Zero I would join you and Captain before returning to Lacroa, Shute.” She said, kindly. “If you won’t mind, that is.”

Shute shrugged. “Sure, knock yourself out.” He gestured towards the bar. “You can get something to drink from there.”

I will fetch something to cool your palate, your highness,” Zero said proudly. He began to float to the bar when Shute held out his empty glass.

“Hey, while you’re up, could get me another root beer?” Zero, being the chivalrous knight he was, took the glass from Shute, but he was more then annoyed that his kind offer for the princess gave the boy reason to treat him like a waiter. With Zero gone, Rele decided to focus her full royal attention on Shute.

“So,” Shute began, a little unnerved by the way Rele had begun to stare at him, “It’s a too bad your team lost, Rele.”

Rele sighed, “It’s disappointing, but your team, the better team, won that day.”

“Y’know, there’s still a chance the Paladins can make it into the semifinals,” Shute mentioned, “All you have to do is beat the team that loses the next game in the elimination game.” Shute looked at Captain, “Hey, Captain, where’s the next game taking place?”

“The Yamatos-Devils game will take place in Ark.” Answered Captain, “In the elimination match, you and your team will have to play against whoever loses.”

It was at that moment that Zero returned, drinks in hand.

“I have returned, milady,” He said, and handed the drinks to the young ones, “A glass of root beer for Shute, and milkshake for your royal highness,”

Shute was about to sip his drink from a straw, but instead asked, confused, “I didn’t know they served milkshakes…”

Zero smiled smugly. “They don’t, but when I told the bartender that the lady in question was royalty, he insisted on making her something special.”

Shute couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he took a long sip. Then he asked, “So, do you want to come with us?”

“What?” Zero asked, unsure of what Shute meant.

“Captain and my family are going to Ark for the Yamatos-Devils game, and I thought maybe you and Rele would wanna tag along.”

Zero gave an exaggerated sigh. “Alas,” he said, “I must return to Lacroa, as it is my duty as a knight,” He turned to look at the princess. “But if her majesty would like to accompany you, I could trust her in your care.”

Rele smiled and shrugged. “I would like to go, but I think I should leave for home soon. My father may be getting worried.”




Captain looked to the stage as the Lounge became filled with Zako soldiers. “It’s starting.”

“ZakoZako Hour!”

The iron curtain lifted to reveal three Zako soldiers holding red, blue, and yellow microphones respectively. Red Mic said, “Welcome everyone, to the ZakoZako Hour, today’s meeting is about, all right, as one,-“

The other two Zakos joined in with Red Mic, “’What happened during the baseball game today!’”

After the audience quieted down, Blue Mic said, “Wait a minute, what do you mean what happened! We know what happened, we were there!”

“Well,” Said Red Mic, “I thought we might discuss the finer points, like, um,”

“Like when Captain’s home run ball knocked Lord T out, Zako!” Piped up Yellow Mic, “He looked pretty bad, and had to be carried off the field, zako zakoooo!”

“Oh, that,” Red Mic said, “Well, the speed Captain sent the ball was estimated to have reached a speed of 164 miles per hour when it came into contact with Lord T’s midsection, zako, but now I wonder how Lord T is doing?”

“I can answer that,” Put in Blue Mic, “according to the diagnosis report, not only is Lord T’s midsection in need of repair, but the poor guy is suffering from motion sickness as well, zako.”

“Poor guy.” Said Red Mic.

“Hmmm,” hemmed Yellow Mic, “Where did that ball get to, zako?”

“Well, I happen to be friends with a GM working at SDG, zako,” Said Red Mic, “And he told me that the ball was last seen escaping the planet, zako.”

“That’s unbelievable!” Cried Blue Mic frantically.

Shute, Zero and Rele looked at Captain, who blushed lightly.

“There’s lots more we’d like to talk about-“ Began Red Mic.

“But we’ve run out of time!” yelled Blue and Yellow Mic, just before the iron curtain fell.

“Anyway, everyone, until the Yamatos-Devils game in Ark takes place-“

“Zako soldiers, fight! Yeah!”

Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
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