DVD Releases
SDGF's releases are, to put it mildly, strange:
America, despite seeing the first half of the series before Japan, didn't get the second half until 4.5 years later.
The Philippines, on the other hand, got a complete television run of the English version, but no VHS/DVD release that I'm aware of.
Japan got the whole run on TV, but the DVDs were rental-only until a boxset came out in September 2008.
Australia started to get the English version, but the DVD release died out after only three volumes.
And so it came to pass that Taiwan, of all places, had the first buyable complete DVD release, coming out in the first half of 2007.
Even the Chinese bootlegs only went up to episode 24 until the Taiwanese set became available.
American Release
Japanese Release
Australian Release
Taiwanese Release
Bootleg Releases
|  |
American Release
The American DVDs are very simple, having only a static menu and the episodes themselves. This, the chaotic release schedule, the fact that there are only three episodes per volume and the list price being $20 per DVD, contributed to poor sales. As time went on, the DVDs got marked down and can now be found on the Amazon Marketplace and eBay for more reasonable prices.
A DVD promotional kit has appeared on ebay several times; Skyfire got one and wrote up a review of it here!
And then, in early 2008, when we least expected it, the English dub of season 2 appeared! Shock and amazement! :O
 | Volume 1: The Hero Arrives!
Covers - Inside - Insert 1 front - inside - back
The first four DVDs also include a four-page insert with information on Bandai's other series; the first two have a bit on SDGF, while the other two have but a small blurb. Check out the DVD specs -- those sure aren't what we got. o_O
Release date: 2004.02.03
Buyable at Amazon.com
Contains episodes:
1. His Name is Captain
2. Soul Drive, Activate!
3. Zero, the Flying Knight
 | Volume 2: New Allies
Covers - Inside - Insert 1 front - inside
Release date: 2004.02.03
Buyable at Amazon.com
Contains episodes:
4. Attack the Enemy Musai!
5. Gundam Force, Team Up!
6. The Blazing Samurai Comes to Neotopia
 | Volume 3: Heroes United
Covers - Inside - Insert 1 front - inside
Release date: 2004.04.27
Buyable at Amazon.com
Contains episodes:
7. Go! Gunbike!
8. A Princess, A Cake, and the Winged Knight
9. Bakunetsumaru's Struggle
 | Volume 4: Unknown Dangers
Covers - Inside - Insert 1 front - inside
Release date: 2004.04.27
Buyable at Amazon.com
Contains episodes:
10. Gundam Force Triple Attack!
11. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 1: Arrival
12. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 2: Trapped
 | Volume 5: Up in the Sky
Covers - Inside (no inserts were included)
Release date: 2004.10.12
Buyable at Amazon.com
Contains episodes:
13. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 3: Return
14. Under Cover Mission! Learn the Gundam Force's Secrets!
15. Mach Wings: GunEagle
This DVD was released significantly later than the last one, and featured a change to using the Japanese DVD covers. (Also, I need the rest of the story on this -- what happened here?)
 | Volume 6: The Dark Axis Strikes Back
Covers - Inside
Release date: 2004.10.12
Buyable at Amazon.com
Contains episodes:
16. Masters of the Deep Sea: GunDivers
17. Ashuramaru: The Old Rival Returns
18. Fly, Captain! The SDG Base Hangs by a Thread
 | Volume 7: When Swords Clash
Covers - Inside
Release date: 2004.12.14
Buyable at Amazon.com
Contains episodes:
19. Showdown! Bakunetsumaru vs. Ashuramaru
20. Fenn's Disaster
21. Awakening! Feather Dragon
 | Volume 8: Neotopia Under Attack!
Covers - Inside
Release date: 2005.12.14
Buyable at Amazon.com
Contains episodes:
22. Attack of the Big Zam
23. Fire Up! Captain System
24. Trouble! Stolen Soul Drive
 | Volume 9: Last Hope for Victory
Covers - Inside
Release date: 2005.01.04
Buyable at Amazon.com
Contains episodes:
25. Neotopia's Moment of Truth
26. The Final Battle! Commander vs. Captain
 | SD Gundam Force All New Adventures
Official Release date: 2008.05.20
Buyable at Amazon.com, RightStuf.com, et al.
No inserts or anything. Alas!
Interestingly, the episode count now starts at 1, instead of 27. Huh. And while it uses the "Taiyou ni Kogarete" opening, the ending is "Kokoro Odoru" the whole way through.
 | Disc 1
Contains episodes:
01. Into the Dark Axis!
02. Ways of the Warriors
03. No More Ultimate Techniques!
Terror of the Minov Boundary Sea
04. Big Comeback! We're the Heroes?
05. Evil Sword Epyon
06. Epyon's Assault!
 | Disc 2
Contains episodes:
07. Rescue Operation:
The Cursed Princess of Lacroa
08. Princess in a Black Dress
09. Genkimaru, Samurai Number One!
10. Rice Balls and the Garden of Wisdom
11. Fierce Fight! Deathscythe
the Knight of Darkness
 | Disc 3
Contains episodes:
12. Princess Rele Revived!
13. Gerbera's Invitation
14. Kibaomaru's Attack!!
15. Shute and the
Princess Captured!
16. War-torn Ark
 | Disc 4
Contains episodes:
17. The Ultimate Challenge!
Kibaomaru vs Shute
18. Bakushinmaru, Flare Up!!
19. Gundam Force Assembled!!
20. The Tears of Cobramaru
21. Musha Daishinsho Unleashed!
 | Disc 5
Contains episodes:
22. Tenchijo on Fire:
Genkimaru's Roar!!
23. Prelude to Destruction:
Gerbera's True Identity
24. Total Annihilation?!
The Threat of the General
25. The Final Battle!
The General vs. Everyone!
26. The Voyage Home
|  |
Japanese Release
As far as I know, the individual volumes are still rental-only, but there's now a special edition boxset!
Collection Box
Catalog Number: BCBA-3360
Release date: 2008/09/26
List Price: 50,000 yen
Region 2 / NTSC Format / MPEG-2 Encoding • Japanese audio track
Buyable at CDJapan and Amazon.co.jp

Box cover: JPG (1.3MB) • PNG in a zip (7MB)
• sealed 1
• sealed 2
• box top
• box bottom
Contents: DVDs 1
• 2
• 3
• assorted inserts and ads (ZIP, 8.6MB)
Soul Drive Memories
high-res mostly-PNGs below; ZIP of all JPG here (16.5MB)
P.1 (cover)
P.2 (story, disc contents)
P.3 (production commentary)
P.4 (Neotopia art and profiles)
P.5 (Neotopia continued)
P.6 (Lacroa art and profiles)
P.7 (Lacroa continued)
P.8 (Ark art and profiles)
P.9 (Ark continued)
P.10 (Dark Axis art and profiles)
P.11 (Dark Axis continued)
P.12-13 (Timeline overview)
P.14 (Episode data, staff and credits)
P.15 (Episode data & credits cont., seiyuu)
P.16 (DVD volume art)
P.17 (Carddass art, CG stills)
P.18-19 (interview)
P.20 (4koma!)
P.21 (more 4koma!)
P.22 (MORE!)
P.23 (and more!)
P.24 (end of 4koma, also back cover)
| Zako Zako Disc |
• Disc
• Inside
1. Zako Zako Hour Special Edition
(buffers the following parts)
2. "The Daishogun of Destruction Appears!! Zako?"
3. "Showdown! Dimensional Pirates De'Scar!" OP
4. Zako Zako Zako Hour
5. SIGGRAPH2003 tech talks - trailer/making
6. SIGGRAPH2004 tech talks - trailer/intro
7. Zako Hour (from Kodansha Super Character Festival 2004)
8. SDGF Pilot Trailers 0, 1
9. SDGF Primer
10. "Showdown! Dimensional Pirates De'Scar!" Ad
11. Plamo Commercials
12. SD Gundam Musha Paraku! (made with SDGF's engine)
13. SD Gundam Musha Paraku! ~Shinsei Musha Tanjou~
14. Textless Openings + Endings (all of them)
15. Zako Zako Zako Force
 | Volume 1
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
1. His Name is Captain
2. Soul Drive, Activate!
3. Zero, the Flying Knight
4. Attack the Enemy Musai!
 | Volume 2
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
5. Gundam Force, Team Up!
6. The Blazing Samurai Comes to Neotopia
7. Go! Gunbike!
8. A Princess, A Cake, and the Winged Knight
 | Volume 3
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
9. Bakunetsumaru's Struggle
10. Gundam Force Triple Attack!
11. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 1: Arrival
12. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 2: Trapped
 | Volume 4
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
13. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 3: Return
14. Under Cover Mission! Learn the Gundam Force's Secrets!
15. Mach Wings: GunEagle
16. Masters of the Deep Sea: GunDivers
 | Volume 5
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
17. Ashuramaru: The Old Rival Returns
18. Fly, Captain! The SDG Base Hangs by a Thread
19. Showdown! Bakunetsumaru vs. Ashuramaru
20. Fenn's Disaster
 | Volume 6
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
21. Awakening! Feather Dragon
22. Attack of the Big Zam
23. Fire Up! Captain System
24. Trouble! Stolen Soul Drive
 | Volume 7
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
25. Neotopia's Moment of Truth
26. The Final Battle! Commander vs. Captain
27. Breaking In! The Dark Axis
28. Three Paths
 | Volume 8
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
29. Sure-Win Technique Sealed!? The Menace of the Minovs Sea Border
30. Revival! We're in Charge!?
31. Evil Sword Epyon
32. Epyon's Assault!
 | Volume 9
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
33. Rescue! The Cursed Princess Lacroa
34. The Dark Robe of Princess Lacroa
35. World's Greatest, or something! Genkimaru's Volume~!
36. Riceballs and the Garden of Wisdom
 | Volume 10
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
37. Clash! The Dark Deathscythe
38. Princess Rele, Revive!
39. Gerbera's Call
40. Kibaomaru's Invasion!
 | Volume 11
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
41. Captured Shute and Rele
42. Wars of Ark
43. Final Move! Kibaomaru vs. Shute
44. Bakushinmaru, Ignite!!
 | Volume 12
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
45. Gundam Force Assemble!!
46. Tears of Cobramaru
47. Startup! Musha Daishinshou
48. Universe Castle in flames, Genkimaru shouts!
 | Volume 13
2008 Boxset art: Cover • Inside • Disc
Contains episodes:
49. Prelude to Ruin, the True Colors of Gerbera
50. The World Disappears!? The General's Threat
51. Decisive Battle! The General VS. Everyone!
52. The Way Home (Final Episode)
|  |
Australian Release
Magna Pacific's Australian DVD release began February 8, 2006.
 | Volume 1: The Hero Arrives
Front Cover - Back Cover
Release date: 2006.02.08
Contains episodes:
1. His Name is Captain
2. Soul Drive, Activate!
3. Zero, the Flying Knight
4. Attack the Enemy Musai!
5. Gundam Force, Team Up!
 | Volume 2: The Blazing Samurai Comes To Neotopia
Front Cover - Back Cover
Release date: 2006.02.08
Contains episodes:
6. The Blazing Samurai Comes to Neotopia
7. Go! Gunbike!
8. A Princess, A Cake, and the Winged Knight
9. Bakunetsumaru's Struggle
10. Gundam Force Triple Attack!
| Volume 3: The Mystery of Lacroa
Release date: 2006.04.05
Contains episodes:
11. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 1: Arrival
12. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 2: Trapped
13. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 3: Return
14. Undercover Mission! Learn the Gundam Force's Secrets!
15. Mach Wings: GunEagle!
|  |
Taiwanese Release
Aside from the lone first volume, the series is bundled into four box sets. It doesn't look like the series had a single-volume release.
Each DVD has Japanese and Mandarin Chinese dialogue tracks, and two subtitle tracks, Traditional Chinese & Simplified Chinese. They're all Region 3 (Southeast Asia, including Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan).
These DVDs, unlike the American release, come with really nice art and extras, none of which I can read, but I scanned them! If anyone who can read Chinese would like to take a crack at translating, be my guest! :3
This release is produced by Pro-Insight Inc.
A random observation: These DVDs lack the first OP, with "SUNRISE." Very strange; I wonder if they couldn't get the rights to use the song? In its place, they use the second OP, "LOVE & PEACE."
Click the thumbnail for a medium-quality JPG of the front cover; most of the links in the volume description are high-quality PNGs and at least one megabyte. Hope you have a good connection, or are patient!
 | Volume 1
Release date: 2005.11.01
Buyable at YesAsia.com
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (Basic story)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Shute, Sayla, Captain (showing his Heavy Weapon armor, oddly), Zero, Baku & the SDG GM & Ball)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Page 8 (DVD info, nothing special, I think it's the same in every booklet)
Contains episodes:
1. His Name is Captain
2. Soul Drive, Activate!
3. Zero, the Flying Knight
4. Attack the Enemy Musai!
 | Box-1
Release date: 2005.11.01
Buyable at YesAsia.com
Front - Spine - Back
Box-1's made to be able to hold Volume 1, too. Behold: the contents right out of the box (as it were) - placeholder cardboard removed and replaced with Volume 1
 | Volume 2
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (a very nice aerial view of Neotopia)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Gunbike, Entengo, the Ship of Golden Crest & Heavy Weapon Captain's Gunvehicle Mode. I wonder what the text is talking about?)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
5. Gundam Force, Team Up!
6. The Blazing Samurai Comes to Neotopia
7. Go! Gunbike!
8. A Princess, A Cake, and the Winged Knight
 | Volume 3
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (awesome external view of Blanc Base)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Kao Lyn, Fenn, Cobramaru & the Triplets)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
9. Bakunetsumaru's Struggle
10. Gundam Force Triple Attack!
11. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 1: Arrival
12. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 2: Trapped
 | Volume 4
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (The Daishogun's arena for Baku & Ashuramaru.)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Guneagle, the Gundivers, Ashuramaru & the Daishogun)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
13. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 3: Return
14. Under Cover Mission! Learn the Gundam Force's Secrets!
15. Mach Wings: GunEagle
16. Masters of the Deep Sea: GunDivers
 | Box-2
Release date: 2006.06.16
Buyable at YesAsia.com
Front - Spine - Back
Wow, Taiwan too had to wait eight months for the rest of the series?
 | Volume 5
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (Shute's house)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Mark, Keiko, Nana, Mayor Margaret, Chief Haro & Bell Wood)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
17. Ashuramaru: The Old Rival Returns
18. Fly, Captain! The SDG Base Hangs by a Thread
19. Showdown! Bakunetsumaru vs. Ashuramaru
20. Fenn's Disaster
 | Volume 6
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (Ruined Lacroa)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Zero Custom, Feather Dragon, Tallgeese & Griffin)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
21. Awakening! Feather Dragon
22. Attack of the Big Zam
23. Fire Up! Captain System
24. Trouble! Stolen Soul Drive
 | Volume 7
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (Dark Axis Headquarters)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Vayeate, Mercurius, Sazabi & Genkimaru
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
25. Neotopia's Moment of Truth
26. The Final Battle! Commander vs. Captain
27. Breaking In! The Dark Axis
28. Three Paths
 | Box-3
Release date: 2006.06.16
Buyable at YesAsia.com
Front - Spine - Back
 | Volume 8
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (The Dimensional Transport Device)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Gundamusai, Princess, Epyon)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
29. Sure-Win Technique Sealed!? The Menace of the Minovs Sea Border
30. Revival! We're in Charge!?
31. Evil Sword Epyon
32. Epyon's Assault!
 | Volume 9
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (Neotopian crests)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Elmechu, Deathscythe,
Zako Soldier, Zapper)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
33. Rescue! The Cursed Princess Lacroa
34. The Dark Robe of Princess Lacroa
35. World's Greatest, or something! Genkimaru's Volume~!
36. Riceballs and the Garden of Wisdom
 | Volume 10
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (Lacroan crests)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Deed, Grappler, Komusai & Magna-Musai)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
37. Clash! The Dark Deathscythe
38. Princess Rele, Revive!
39. Gerbera's Call
40. Kibaomaru's Invasion!
 | Box-4
Release date: 2006.06.16
Buyable at YesAsia.com
Front - Spine - Back
 | Volume 11
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (Ark crests, Dark Axis symbol &
Lacroan magic disks)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Kibaomaru, Gerbera,
Big-Zam & the Cobramaru clan)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
41. Captured Shute and Rele
42. Wars of Ark
43. Final Move! Kibaomaru vs. Shute
44. Bakushinmaru, Ignite!!
 | Volume 12
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (Britainmaru, Ginkaku & Kinkaku)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Haganemaru, Bakuhamaru,
Moukinmaru & Kijuumaru)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
45. Gundam Force Assemble!!
46. Tears of Cobramaru
47. Startup! Musha Daishinshou
48. Universe Castle in flames, Genkimaru shouts!
 | Volume 13
Covers - Disc
Booklet: Cover
Pages 2-3 (Group shot)
Pages 4-5 (profiles: Daishinshou, Nataku, Rock & Battle)
Pages 6-7 (episode guide)
Contains episodes:
49. Prelude to Ruin, the True Colors of Gerbera
50. The World Disappears!? The General's Threat
51. Decisive Battle! The General VS. Everyone!
52. The Way Home (Final Episode)
|  |
Bootleg Releases
Update on the bootlegs: I haven't seen the original bootlegs -- the ones I've got data on here -- on ebay in some months. However, a new wave of bootleg releases has appeared! I've yet to acquire one for myself (heh), but I've seen ones of the first-half of the series being sold for $15-30, and a full-series set for $30. 'course, their appeal is lessened now that high quality official releases are buyable.
First Bootleg
While the first four volumes contain the same episodes as the Japanese DVDs, the fifth has eight (#17-24), and the release appears to have stopped there without even finishing the arc.
The cover art is similar in style to the Japanese model kits' boxes. The menu has an opening animation and plays a clip of Puffy's "Sunrise." The episodes are Japanese dialog, with optional Chinese or English subtitles, and all text on the DVD's cover is in Japanese.
The video appears slightly compressed or possibly TV-rip quality, but the audio is frequently good.
The English subtitles have good spelling and grammar. Names are subject to change between volumes. Gunbiker becomes Gun Vehicle and Captain is Leader in volume 5, and while Captain is called Captain in volume 3, Bakunetsumaru is now "Hot Ball". Poor Baku. The Zakorello Gate's portals are also referred to as "time portals". Some short sentences are skipped entirely. I don't know enough Japanese to check the accuracy of the translation. Also, not knowing any Chinese, I can't check the Chinese subtitles for accuracy. |
| Volume 1
Release date: ?
Contains episodes:
1. His Name is Captain
2. Soul Drive, Activate!
3. Zero, the Flying Knight
4. Attack the Enemy Musai!
| Volume 2
Release date: ?
Contains episodes:
5. Gundam Force, Team Up!
6. The Blazing Samurai Comes to Neotopia
7. Go! Gunbike!
8. A Princess, A Cake, and the Winged Knight
 | Volume 3
Cover - Inside (with disc) - Inside (without disc)
Release date: ?
Contains episodes:
9. Bakunetsumaru's Struggle
10. Gundam Force Triple Attack!
11. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 1: Arrival
12. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 2: Trapped
| Volume 4
Release date: ?
Contains episodes:
13. The Mystery of Lacroa Part 3: Return
14. Under Cover Mission! Learn the Gundam Force's Secrets!
15. Mach Wings: GunEagle
16. Masters of the Deep Sea: GunDivers
 | Volume 5
Cover - Inside (with disc) - Inside (without disc)
Release date: ?
Contains episodes:
17. Ashuramaru: The Old Rival Returns
18. Fly, Captain! The SDG Base Hangs By a Thread
19. Showdown! Bakunetsumaru vs. Ashuramaru
20. Fenn's Disaster
21. Awakening! Feather Dragon
22. Attack of the Big Zam
23. Fire Up! Captain System
24. Trouble! Stolen Soul Drive
|  |