SD Gundam Force ~ Fanlisting
And this! This is the TAFL-approved fanlist for SD Gundam Force. =3 If you happen to be a fan, do consider joining the list!
If you were linked straight to here; look around, enjoy the stuff! The site is still in-progress, but it has a lot of info I haven't seen elsewhere.
Last checked October 11th, 2015 with one new one; launched January 30th, 2007!
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A fanlisting is...
A list! Of fans!
It gathers together a directory of all the fans who have come across the list. The basic Fanlist records names and home-countries, but many include favorite characters, scenes, and other such trivia.
Some fanlists are lists only, while others are embedded into more expansive fansites, like this one. :3
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