The manga adaptation of the anime, done by Kei Aoki & Mikamaru and published by Kodansha BOMBOM Comics, spans three volumes.
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Volume 1 - Published July 6th, 2004
Buyable at Amazon.co.jp
The first volume starts with the Dark Axis; Lacroa is under control, Ark is rapidly coming under their control, and so Zapper's monoeye turns to-- Neotopia!
Meanwhile, Shute is playing baseball with some GMs under the Neotopia Towers. A rogue ball flies away, and Shute goes to catch it, with the help of his Magnet Jet-Inlines! He catches the ball splendidly, and is then privy to an up-close view of a Zakorello portal appearing and the Komusai popping out. Zapper introduces himself and orders the Zakos to "go greet those people!" They do so -- on hands and knees, very proper and polite. Zapper kicks them up; Dark Axis greetings involve GUNS!
--Unless you're Shute, in which case, who cares about greetings when a whole bunch of cool-looking robots you've never seen before appear! He freaks out the invaders by oohing and aahing over their guns and designs for a bit, before Zapper gets fed up and points a gun right at Shute! Just in the nick of time, Captain Gundam appears and saves him, and delivers his classic line ("I have been granted special dispensation to weild firearms in the defense
of Neotopia against invasion!!")
Captain and the invaders fight for a bit (Cap tries to get Shute to leave the area, but he's too busy fanboying over MECHA FIGHT OMG, so he leaves him his shield instead. Oh Shute.), before the Komusai finishes it with a blast of its beam-cannons. When the dust settles, no one's there but Shute.
The kid races home to tell his mom what happened, but
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Volume 2 - Published December 12th, 2004
Buyable at Amazon.co.jp
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Volume 3 - Published August 5th, 2005
Buyable at Amazon.co.jp
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