Super Dimensional Guard
The secretive protective force in Neotopia, the S.D.G. is comprised of humans and robots, some of whom have combat capabilities (unlike the rest of Neotopia's robot population) and the permission to use them. These combat-capable Neotopian robots are called Mobile Defenders.
In the interests of maintaining order in the city, the existance of the conflict with the Dark Axis is kept secret as long as possible, as are the existance of combat-capable Mobile Citizens. This plan is blown away by the Big Zam's attack on the S.D.G. base in episode 24, and the Mayor explains what's going on to Keiko, Sayla and the rest of the city shortly thereafter.
The S.D.G. is split into several squadrons; one of these is the Special Forces unit, called the Gundam Force, that Captain Gundam commands. Madnug was a part of this unit.
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The S.D.G.'s base of operations, the Blanc Base, is a huge hand-shaped structure, suspended from an S.D.G.-controlled satellite by superstrong, detachable cables (called ultra-steel suspension cables by Captain in episode 5). Each finger is a runway, capable of launching robots or Captain's Re-Equip Ring. A clear dome protects the top of the base and below it -- on top of the inner levels of the base -- is a park. (Perhaps implying that at least some of the people who work there live there?)
They have an unknown number of land-based labs; at one of these, Lab C, is Bell Wood's Dimensional Transport Device.
Captain's Re-Equip Ring enables him to change from Mobile Citizen mode to Mobile Defender mode wherever the Ring can reach. In episode 24, it is used to convert him to Heavy Weapon mode after it, Captain, and Shute fall into the ocean. Its most powerful function, however, is the Captain System, which enables Captain Gundam to tap into the Brain World that connects to the minds of all A.I.s in Neotopia.
To connect to the Brain World, the Re-Equip Ring needs a great deal of power; once connected, the Brain World appears as a series of tunnels, each leading to the mind of a different robot in Neotopia. Captain can speak mind-to-mind, destroy control horns from within and could possibly affect a robot's mind in other ways, including control -- something Commander Sazabi was confident he could do when he captured Captain's Soul Drive. (Sazabi certainly could annoy the citizenry while he held the Sould Drive, but did not have the chance to try anything more.)
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