Neotopia S.D.G.
A ten-year-old boy who lives in the suburbs of Neotopia, Shute is a bright kid who's always fascinated by technology, especially robots. An inventor himself, he seems to particularly enjoy modding his inline skates; small jets, magnetization, that sort of thing. He also has a crush on Sayla and really likes her cakes (too bad Zero keeps stealing them away). (More)
Captain Gundam
The first Gundam built under the SDG's Gundam Force program, Captain Gundam is the main defender of Neotopia, having been granted special dispensation by the authorities to use weapons. The core of Captain is his Soul Drive, a mysterious power source that responds to emotions. When cheered on by Shute, the Soul Drive powers Captain up, granting him an extra boost of strength. Although stiff and naive at first, Captain's interactions with Shute loosen him up and he becomes more human. (More)
Chief Haro
The dedicated leader of the SDG, Chief Haro is most notable for wearing a Haro helmet to mask his identity. While Haro's true identity is never properly revealed, it's strongly implied that he is Shute's father, Mark. The Chief usually leads from the SDG's hidden Blanc Base, but he is not afraid to get out on the battlefield himself and use his daredevil fighting style.
An operator for the SDG, Juli often serves by Chief Haro's side and is a dedicated but caring professional. She personally oversees most of the Gundams' launches, keeping track of them from the moment they leave the catapult until their return. In case of the Chief's absence, she leads in his stead. She is also friends with Keiko, Shute's mother.
Natasha & Alicia
I don't have any personality information on these two operators, but they have names!
Kao Lyn
Father to all the Neotopian Gundams, Kao Lyn is a brilliant, eccentric scientist prone to speaking in gibberish while performing "martial arts" moves (specified as Tai Chi Chuan), and he is rightfully proud of his 'children', knowing they are a near-unbeatable first line of defense for Neotopia.
Kao Lyn's Ball
This Ball accompanies Kao Lyn and helps with presentations and stuff.
Bell Wood
A prodigious young scientist, Bell Wood is the mastermind behind the S.D.G.'s Dimensional Transport Device. I'm not sure we learn anything more about him...
A large Gundam-styled motorcycle intended for Captain, Gunbike houses the A.I. of Captain's former instructor. As dedicated to the protection of Neotopia as his student is, Gunbike expects nothing less than the best from his allies. He expects to be disappointed, as he did not train them himself.
He has a detachable sidecar that is often used by Shute, and he also boasts a pair of back-mounted six-missile pods. When Captain activates the Soul Drive when on Gunbike, a dynamo system enables Gunbike to utilize the energy to go faster.
At some point after the Gundam Force leave for Soladiorama, Gunbike is rebuilt into Gunpanzer, a massive armored carrier that has a Re-Equip Ring built-in. He can also transform into a more humanoid stance (seen on the right), but it's barely used in the anime.
A troupe of seven amphibious robots that are always in sync. They're all business with a moderate sense of humor. They work as one to perform their whirlpool-making special moves, Rainbow Seven Vortex and Maximum Spiral Attack.
At some point after the Gundam Force leave for Soladiorama, the GunDivers are rebuilt into GunChoppers with rotors for flying, just in time to participate in the battle against Zeong.
A cocky flyboy looking to prove that he can live up to his attitude. Tends to run out of jet fuel at inopportune moments however!
His armaments are vulcans on his head, missiles on his wings, and a big ol' rifle whose specs I don't remember ((probably included with his model kit)). He also has an altmode for more aerodynamic flight.
She is the controlling AI of the Gundamusai, she runs the ship, its engines and all the additions the S.D.G. built in.
Ball & GM Officers
They handle crowd control and other aspects of cleanup.
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Shute and Nana's mom. She teaches at the school Shute attends, which is never shown, but she brings home papers to grade. She seems pretty easy-going overall, and is friends with Sayla, with whom she does baking projects and geeks out about movies (as seen in episode 20). ((Juli's profile mentioned being friends with her, is that in the show anywhere?))
Shute's dad is totally embarrassing to him. He plays dad rock on his guitar all day, like ALL DAY, just cooped up in his studio where no one bothers him, and only shows up for dinner. Does he even have a record deal
Nana is Shute's baby sister. There's not a whole lot to say about her, but I suppose you can deduce that the show takes place over a shorter time than one might otherwise assume, since she doesn't appear to get any bigger. ((IIRC she hits some developmental milestone though? I cannot remember what episode. It doesn't seem to be the last one.))
One of Shute's classmates and neighbors
Mayor Margaret Gathermoon
The Mayor of Neotopia is a kind woman who knows way more than she lets on. She has always known about the S.D.G., and she handles their PR (such that it is). Whenever civilians are around Dark Axis incursion points, she writes the cover story (often "movie filming").
In her spare time, she draws and paints in the parks of Neotopia.
Leonardo & Prio
These two are usually accompanying the mayor. Are they bodyguards? Secretaries? They seem to do whatever she needs done but can't do herself for whatever reason.
Besides coworkers they are evidently close friends.
Who is Iyaka, you say? She is not to be crossed, a badass mother a minor character who happens to be named. Shute rescues her from her be-Horned robot pet during the invasion in episode 23 and then stashes her in Gunbike's enclosed sidecar for safekeeping while the Bagu-Bagu ravage the park in episode 24. ((looks like Iyaka's pic will have to be a screenshot))
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