May-VeggieGirl1 / RW / DemandinCompensation
Elmechu Plushie (2008)

above - front - side - back - belly
Mechu + Musai: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
DeviantArt post
Elmechu roughly measures 6-7" wide. It only really sits in two positions naturally; tilted forward with it's nose to the ground and tail erect in the air, or tilted backward, nose in the air and tail propping itself up. It can, however, be adjusted slightly from where it sits, though I do not recommend it.
Elmechu was hand stitched and took roughly 20 hours or more to gather the materials, plan the 3-dimensional structure, sew, re-sew, (argue with my Dad) and ship this craft.
(Full notes at the DeviantArt page)
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SilverBellsAbove / BetterBeMeta
Grappler Gourd (Halloween 2006)

The pumpkin on top is my sister's carved one. she made a spider (how typical). the pumpkin on the bottom is my sis's uncarved one... a robot. dunno what the heck robot that's supposed to be tho...
Can you beleive I drew, designed and carved the GG-pumpkin myself? Usually I am an agent of mass descruction when weilding knives...
anywai.... FOR THE FUTURE OF THE SDGMANIACS!!! CARVE.... pumpkins? O_o;;
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Talec's Mom
Santa Captain (Christmas 2006)

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 (look, pants! XD)
Talec: My mom isn't actually an SDGF fan... in fact, she really doesn't like it... but she likes sewing! And, well, I don't quite remember how it happened, but here it is... Santa Captain, with his Shirogane Sleigh and Feather Dragon and Griffin reindeer! :O
Like the Dragon's nose? ;3
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