The Gundam Beauty Pageant
by Charon the Sabercat
WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THIS SONG SOONER?! It's "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" by The Police, shortened for "time". Hope you enjoy, Cobra's (or more likely Captain's) coming up soon.
Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7
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The Gundam Beauty Pageant
6. Zero's Round
"'Ave fun out theh," encouraged Zero's servant wench, a laugh hiding behind her Cockney accent. She pinched Zero's helmet wings and tugged on his "ear" playfully. "Remembah, you're a sexy beast."
Zero teased and fluffed his cape backstage, murmuring little gloats and self-encouragements to himself. "Sexy beast, right. Thank you, milady."
The wench left, leaving Zero to fluff and primp himself lovingly. He usually only acted like this when no one was around; whether he knew it or not, he knew the right level of boasting in public. He tossed his head around, ignoring the fact that he didn't have hair to toss, and wrapped his cape around himself sensually. "Oo... this thing is soft, I never realized..."
He fluffed up his cape again and ran the fabric over his shell sllllooooowwwwwlllly, loving every minute of it. "Oo-OO! This feels good! I should go topless more often, ha ha ha!"
Something shuffled in the background.
Zero froze for a second. Something was out there.
He didn't move to look for it, he knew better than that. Instead, albeit slowly, he continued his previous primping movements. Under his breathe, though, he recited, "Je vois tous."
The "I see all" spell made Zero's eyes glow green, and he scanned the wings of the stage carefully, making sure to make it look like he wasn't. He gazed at and through every box and wall, every curtain and costume... something wasn't right...
Then he caught something behind a box. A hunched figure, covered by a cloak except for two green, glowing eyes...
"The spell!" Zero whispered. His enraged voice turned into a roar. "You PERVERT!"
A Lacroa crescent sliced through the offending box; Talgeese fell onto the floor, his eyes bugging in shock. His skirt armor was also slightly shifted to the side, exposing a large portion of his thigh. Zero hovered over him violently. "Talgeese, you vile beast!"
"Zero!" Talgeese's eyes turned upside down to show his fear. "I wasn't doing anything bad, I swear-"
"Don't lie you me, you filthy scoundrel!" Zero growled.
The Winged Knight flung his arms to his side, and suddenly the wind in the room whipped about violently, lashing Talgeese with cold, sharp blasts of air. Zero's cape flared out behind him as the lights seemed to run away in fear. Zero alone was illuminated in the dark, his yellow eyes shining in the blackness. Talgeese hunched away in shock as Zero's usually soft features distorted; he became sharper, angular, more dangerous. His voice boomed out from his tiny body, strangely warped and vicious for the Winged Knight. "Do not think I have not seen you looking at me, Knight of the Tempest! Dare to even breathe in my direction again, and the consequences will be DIRE!"
And then his name was called.
Zero shook the anger off of himself like water off a dog's back, wrapping his cloak around his body once again. The lights came back on quickly, returning after the display of might was over. The wind settled back into its normally stagnant mode.
"You have your warning."
Talgeese gulped.
Charon stood on stage, mic in hand. "Ladies and gentlemen, our second round. He's the Winged Wonder, the Mechanical Master, he's the bio-mechanical bishounen, and it’s Zero, the Winged Knight!"
The mood was very airy, no pun intended, as Zero stood alone on the stage illuminated by a sole spotlight. His cape was drawn over his body, parted only slightly in the middle. The ambient music started low, Zero snapping to himself to get on the beat.
Zero: Well, I’ve tried before to tell her
Of the feeling I have for her in my heart.
Several members of the audience snickered knowingly. The air in the room began to circulate, teasing the tips of Zero’s cape.
Zero: Every time that I come near her
I just loose my nerve as I’ve done-
Zero leaned his head back, letting his cape fall back over his wide shoulders. Several girls (and one boy, frighteningly) whistled.
Zero: -from the staaaarrrt.
The music paused for a second.
Then the wind whipped around the room, tossing Zero’s cape behind him and making the room glow with a heavenly blue light! Blue and red rose petals appeared from nowhere and followed the wind, creating rivers of sapphire and scarlet across the stage! Whenever Zero moved, the wind moved with him, turning his body perfectly in time with the music and the breeze.
Zero: Every little thing she does is magic!
Everything she do just turns me on!
And even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for her goes oooo-oooo-ooon…
Fan girls swooned ecstatically as the tempo slowed and the wind died down. Zero decided to change the pace; he drifted to the edge of the stage and caught the chin of a young Gundamess who couldn’t have been older than 12. He smiled to himself.
Zero: Do I have to tell the story
Of a thousand rainy days since we first met?
The little Gundamess giggled and dove behind her mother, who Zero locked eyes with. The mother Gundam found herself lost in Zero’s eyes.
Zero: It’s a big enough umbrella
But it’s always me that ends up getting weeeeeet.
Zero smirked; the plan went perfectly. With the snap of a snare drum, the music and the wind popped back into cue, whipping the Winged Knight around the stage as he sang. Both the little Gundam girl and her mother cheered for their newfound hero.
Zero: Every little thing she does is magic!
Everything she do just turns me on!
And even though my life before was tragic,
Now I know my love for her goes oooo-oooo-ooon…
But the wind didn’t die this time; no, it got faster. Faster, harder, and sharper, the gusting current of air began to swirl around the Winged Knight. It seemed to cradle his limbs, and he was slowly lifted above the ground.
Zero: Oh yeah…
Oh yeah…
Oh yeah, well it’s every little thing…
One hand shot out to the side, Zero’s eyes in a glowing trance.
Zero: Every little thing-
The other hand. His cape began to fly over his head, growing slightly larger every time the wind whipped it.
Zero: Every little thing-
His fists clenched, and Zero cast his eyes towards the ground.
Zero: Every little thing-
With each line, Zero took a deep breath, his chest heaving and his muscles bulging. His body appeared to tighten and grow with every breath. As he sang, Zero’s voice grew from a romantic croon to an orgasmic roar.
Zero: Every little-
Every little-
Every little-
He threw back his head and brought in his arms! His cape flew out to where it almost covered the entire wall, bathing the entire area with red.
Zero: EVERY LITTLE THING she does!
The crowd roared! Zero spun around, the cape snapping back to its original size. The rivers of rose petals continued to envelope their master.
Zero: Every little thing she does!
Every little thing she does!
Every little thing she does-
That she does is magic!
With a flourish of the piano, the rose petals swam around the room at breakneck speed.
Zero: Every little thing!
Every little thing!
Every little thing she do
Is magic, magic, magic!
Magic, Magic, MAGIC!
Oooooh-ooh! Ooooh-oh!
Finally the wind calmed down; Zero, obviously tired, finally sank onto the stage, resting on one knee. He took large, silent breathes, tilting his body in such a way that his muscles could still be seen. The lights faded away into, once again, a simple spotlight, and finally to black…
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