by Charon the Sabercat
Inspired by too much Bloom County and Outland comic strips...
Of Wasps and Chemistry - Philosophy in a field of Periwinkle
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3. Philosophy in a field of Periwinkle
Captain opened his eyes to see Zero standing slightly to his left, staring at Captain's body on the ground. Baku was behind Zero, sweatdrop rolling down his forehead. Zero screamed, "CAPTAIN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
Captain layed his head back down and closed his eyes. "Contemplating."
"Contem- Captain, you're naked in a field of violets!"
Captain corrected, "Periwinkle."
Baku peeked out from around Zero, purposely covering the part of his eyes where he could see past Captain's waist. "Look, Captain, you Neotopian Gundams don't make enough sense as it is. Why are you sitting-"
Baku sighed. "...Laying in a field of periwinkle buck naked for all to see?"
Captain sighed. "I needed a break from life. All the trivial little things that people see as necessary for normal existance when, in reality, none of it matters in the end. We're tied down to our trifle subroutines, caught up in concepts like material gain and physical beauty, with self-confidence built upon social status except self-esteem. Time is spent on mangling the body into what others view as beautiful instead of enjoying it for what it is: yours. What's the point of amassing all of life's technological tools if you're too wound up in getting the next one that you forget to enjoy what you have?
"Life is too complicated. Man and Gundam alike need only take some time to enjoy what God has given him; him soul, his skin, a grassy field, and the sun, to really enjoy and make the most out of his life."
There was a short pause.
Baku pushed Zero out of the way, reaching for his shoulder guard. "I'm in."
Zero nodded, whipping off his cape. "Dibs on the spot under the cloud."
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