Second Beginning
by Melady101
Sequel to Perfect World. Zakkary and his friends knew they'd been reincarnated, but they'd never known who they were or what they'd done. Just because they don't remember their pasts though doesn't mean it can't come back to haunt them.
Perfect World - Prologue - Chapter 1
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Second Beginning
(Blanc Base)
Chief Haro strolled into the base's main lab and walked up next to Kao Lyn who was currently studying a large computer screen. “How's the research coming?” Haro asked. Kao Lyn waited a few seconds before responding, “I believe I've located all the information we have. Would you like to see it now?”
“Yes. Show me what you've got so far.” Haro said, nodding. Kao Lyn did a flip to the left and began to type over the keyboard at what seemed like the speed of sound. The large screen was cleared before a bunch of profiles popped up.
Name: Tora
Age: Unknown
Eyes: Red
Hair: Orange
Origin: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown
Next to the first profile was a picture of an orange haired man who appeared to be in his mid twenties. Then Kao Lyn pulled up the next profile.
Name: Naomi
Age: Unknown
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blue
Origin: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown
A photo of a young, green-haired woman appeared next to her profile and Haro studied it. “These are the two parents. It seems that we have no records on these two what-so-ever and yet they turn up in our database all the same.” Kao Lyn said quickly, doing an array of poses. Haro nodded and another profile appeared.
Name: Kenshin
Age: 19
Eyes: Red
Hair: Blond
Origin: Unknown
Date of Birth: May 13
“Interesting, you're sure about the day he was born?”
“One hundred percent sure chief. That boy was born on the 13th, the same day Captain destroyed Commander Sazabi.” Kao Lyn said as Haro looked up and studied the boy's picture. This particular photo seemed to highlight the boy's red eyes, making it look like he was actually glaring at Haro. Kao Lyn took no notice and brought up a picture of three kids standing in front of a large shop. Their profiles appeared next the shot.
Name: Zakkary
Age: 12
Eyes: Red
Hair: Red
Origin: Unknown
Date of Birth: September 11
“Interesting” Haro muttered as he read the next profile.
Name: Zamar
Age: 12
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue
Origin: Unknown
Date of Birth: September 11
“Twins I'm guessing.”
“Fraternal, yes, but the last one you requested me to look up seems to have no relation the family except that he's a friend. In fact I can't trace him back to having a family. Like the others he just `appeared' out of nowhere.”
Name: Kiyoshi
Age 12
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Mauve (light purple)
Origin: Unknown
Date of Birth: September 11
“They were all registered as being born on the same day, yet I can't find anything in any of the hospital records about them. Not one of these people has ever gone in for an examination. What's more their all geniuses; Kenshin, Zakkary, Zamar and Kiyoshi all graduated from collage with the highest degree possible before the age of 12. Their IQ levels are off the charts and that Kiyoshi even owns his own business.” Kao Lyn exclaimed, doing a routine of gymnastics moves.
“What does he do?” Haro asked, staring intently at the photo of the three together. It was odd that the red haired kid, Zakkary or whatever, had that visor across his head, but he'd figured it might just be a new style.
“According to my sources he's an inventor and a really good one at that. He also repairs items people bring him, right on the spot. Doesn't usually take him more then two minutes to fix something that would take the highest scientific minds an hour or two to fix.”
“Hmm, that does seem a little unnatural, but they are registered as citizens and it doesn't look like they've ever caused any trouble for the city, but” Haro looked back up at the three individual faces, scanning each one for clues. Zamar had a long scar across his left eye and Kiyoshi was wearing dark black sunglasses over his eyes. Each of them seemed to have strange, yet familiar traits, but a hunch wasn't enough for him. He needed hard facts about these people, but not even his best scientist had been able to find any more then anyone else before.
“Chief, sorry to ask, but why are you so curious about these particular individuals?” Kao Lyn asked. Haro turned and headed for the door and as he passed the scientist he answered, “I get the strangest feeling that we've meet them before and I am anxious to see if my suspicions will be proven right or wrong. Until then I want you guys watch them.”
`And pray that they are not who I think they are.'
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