Second Beginning
by Melady101
I couldn't wait to post this. Meet Kiyoshi everyone ^^
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
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Second Beginning
Chapter 2
(Western Neotopia: 9:15AM)
“Hey guys, what kept ya.” Kiyoshi asked, not bothering to look up from his work as Zakkary and Zamar walked in. A man stood by the front door, obviously waiting for Kiyoshi. “We ran in to some kid on our way here. So what's up Kiyoshi?” Zamar asked as Kiyoshi gave the man his now fixed tech. The man paid Kiyoshi and, after a quick “thank you,” left.
Kiyoshi then turned his attention on his two friends. Zamar could see his reflection in his black goggles, but had gotten used to it. “I wanted to show you guys something.” He said, walking to a table in the back of the room. There he pick up one of his many inventions, took his goggles off and placed it over his eyes. The `mask' covered half his face and made it look like he had a mono-eye, but it helped his sensitive eyes cop with light. When he turned back around he motioned the other two to follow him.
“You guys remember how we're reincarnated from other people right?” Kiyoshi asked.
“Yeah” the two answered in unison.
“And that we see fuzzy bits and pieces of our past until the ritual on our 13th birthday.”
“Well I had a dream a couple nights back and I saw something. I don't know what it was, but it inspired me to make some things for us. They're like battle armor and each set goes right over our everyday clothes.” Kiyoshi said excitedly, leading the two down a couple flights of steps before they came to a door. Kiyoshi removed his mask and waited for his computer to verify his and his friends' identities.
“Scan complete. Personal recognized. Welcome back boys.” said a female computer voice. She was the master computer in Kiyoshi's lab and to tell the truth the three actually thought that, for a super computer, she was pretty fun to be around. “Hey Iva. How's it been?” Zakkary asked as Kiyoshi replaced his mask and led them into the lab.
“The usual mostly. I believe Kiyoshi has something he has been working on to show you. It's actually quiet amazing.” Iva responded. Kiyoshi smiled, he thought it quiet a fete when even Iva was impressed with his work.
“Well he is the smartest one among us so whatever he made it should be pretty amazing.” Zamar said, looking at Kiyoshi's face. As usual he looked happy and the mask made look even more carefree. For some reason, no matter what mood you were in before, Kiyoshi just made you smile. “Here we are.” Kiyoshi announced as they walked up to a closed door marked `Storage.'
“Storage Kiyoshi?” Zakkary asked. Kiyoshi ignored him and entered the room. The two looked at each other before following their friend inside, closing the door behind them. Inside it was pitch black, but then lights slowly began to light the room. As soon as it got bright enough the twin's eyes became wide with shock.
“Cool.” Zakkary whispered. Zamar cocked an eyebrow at his brother before hitting him on the head, hopefully bringing him back to realty.
“Ow! What was that for?!” Zakkary shouted; his voice; amazingly, didn't echo around the room. Kiyoshi was standing in front of the two, blushing furiously. “This is…a...well…” Zakkary and Zamar were staring at their stuttering friend as he tried to explain the room; it had what looked like every kind of gun and military weapon known to man and machine mounted on the walls. “I like weapons.” Kiyoshi said finally, looking around at his collection. He didn't know why, but weapons just felt like a part of him.
“O-kay, is this what you wanted to show us or is there one more thing?” Zamar asked, examining a well-crafted sword mounted on the wall closest to him. The unique design and coloring stood out from the rest of Kiyoshi's collection so Zamar had picked up on it first. Zakkary was staring at a couple different machine guns and most likely would have picked one up to try it out had Zamar not dragged him on to the next room.
Kiyoshi was standing at the other side of the small room on a glowing circle. Out of curiosity the twins walked over and stood on either side of their friend. The ground beneath them glowed and from above a cylindrical case fell over the three.
Then before the twins could say a word the cylinders retracted and disappeared again. “What was that Kiyoshi?” Zamar asked looking over at the other two. It was then that Zamar noticed what he was wearing and noticed the others had some strange kind of costume on too.
“Whoa! This is so awesome. Kiyoshi, what is this?” Zakkary asked, looking over his new outfit. Light armor covered his chest and arms, a set of three spicks stuck out of his left shoulder, a thick fabric fell halfway down his pants, and on his feet was what looked like some kind of costume made shoes. Everything he had on seemed to match, meaning Kiyoshi had done these himself.
Zamar was also impressed. He had chest and shoulder armor as well, but on his arms and around his waist was a thick blue material with unique designs done in red all over them. On his left hand was a very strange device with three blades, making it look like he had claws. “Cool. You did this?” he asked glancing up at Kiyoshi who was looking over his own outfit.
Kiyoshi's, like the other two, had chest armor and shoulder guards, but he also had wrist gauntlets with a valve on each connecting them to small device on his back. From his waist to about three-fourths of the way down his legs was more costume made armor that, like the twin's, matched the rest of his outfit. Even his mask matched.
Plus it seemed their armor was color coordinated; Zakkary: red, Zamar: blue, Kiyoshi: purple.
“So you guys really like `em?” Kiyoshi asked
“Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't we? The outfits rock man.” Zamar exclaimed, Zakkary shaking his head in agreement. Kiyoshi smiled again, proud that his friends liked the designs. Then again they seemed to like everything he gave them, but it still made him happy to see others enjoy his work.
“So where'd you get the idea for these again?” Zakkary asked, testing to see how sharp his shoulder spikes were. Zamar was testing the blades, moving them easily as if they were just three extra fingers. “I had a dream. It was so weird. I thought that it might have been a flashback because it was so fuzzy and for some reason it made me feel like I should make these.” Kiyoshi said, checking the tech on his armor.
“Maybe these are what we wore in out past lives. Maybe our memory spirits wanted us to look like we used to before we're joined together in a few days.” Zamar suggested. An ire silence followed his statement for the three knew that once they got their memories back they'd never be the same again.
“Well I still think we look cool in these. By the way Kiyoshi, if a machine put these on us then-” Zakkary didn't even finish his sentence before Kiyoshi placed another device in his hands. He also gave one to Zamar before reveling his own. The device looked like a watch, but instead of telling time it had had Japanese writing on a small screen with three buttons on the side.
Kiyoshi pressed the second button and his outfit disappeared, leaving only the clothes he'd been wearing before. “My latest invention. Select the look you want and that little device will do the rest.” Kiyoshi explained as the twins tried their own `watches.' Like what happened with Kiyoshi the armor and such disappeared, leaving only what they'd been wearing before.
“Cool” Zakkary said again. Zamar rolled his eyes and turned to leave, but Kiyoshi called him back. When Zamar turned he caught another wrist computer that Kiyoshi had thrown at him. “Give that to your brother. I think he'll like it.” Kiyoshi said, smiling. Zakkary looked over his brother's shoulder and examined the watch. I looked about the same as theirs, but the writing on the top screen was different.
“Okay, make him his own set of armor?” Zamar joked.
“Yeah, but his is different then ours. More armor then we could really handle.” Kiyoshi answered, following his friends back out to the front of his shop. “So Kiyoshi, when's the next time you're free to go for a ride with us?” Zakkary asked his friend. Kiyoshi thought for a moment about his schedule and took into consideration how many costumers came in on each individual day before answering, “Tomorrow. I never really get my people in here on Sunday so things can get kinda boring. Should I meet you guys at your house?”
“Sure, but bring your bike. Maybe I could ride with you the, since it's kinda hard to keep up with you guys on blades.”
“Sounds good, I'll be there early so be ready.” Kiyoshi shouted after the two.
“Will do!” they shouted back, disappearing down the road.
As they left a group of people walked through the front door and for the two hours he had about 150 or so people came in with broken tech or requests to purchase new equipment or upgrades. Kiyoshi was once again preoccupied with work, unaware that someone was watching him.
“Sir we've got a lock on or target. What should we do now?”
“Nothing. All we can do is watch and wait. If these boys are as amazing as our computers say then something is bound to happen eventually. Just be sure to keep the camera on that boy. I want to know everything about him.” Haro respond sternly. He had to know the truth about these people. He had to know if these were just your run-of-the-mill gifted, average citizens or supernatural humans who have had more then one chance at life.
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