Original Japanese price: 300 Yen

I bought this kit at a dealer's table at Otakon 2004 (along with a Zoids VS.II version Helcat <3). This is my first SDGF kit, and for the purposes of this review I had to take the l'il guy apart to show the kit contents. :P (That's why there are no frames.. I would've included them had I kept them.)
It's a supremely simple kit, meant for little kids and customizers to play with. The polycaps (the grey pieces) just slip right on the pegs and are stuck into the appropriate holes. It's not a very secure fit, but then this isn't an action figure. :)

The fully assembled, but unpainted, kit:

So as you can see, there's nil color detail. That's why you need paint, and why these kits are popular with customizers. :3
There were two polycaps leftover from construction, and one sticker, the one for his eye.
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