Release date (Japan): 2004.03
Original Japanese price: 500 yen
(HLJ page)
More complex than the 300 yen kits, there are four different molded colors! Woo! XD The detail's sharp and it looks easy to paint. :3
Here he is with no paint or stickers. I believe in showing people what they get straight out of the box. ;)
( Last one is PNG due to jpg forking up the reds. D: )
Now with added weaponry!
Here he is with eye-decal. I'm waffling between sticking on all the decals and taking photos, since I really do want to try painting him and I'd have to take /off/ all the decals first...
With his rifle, which also has a knife that you can attach to it, bayonet-style. :o
Closeup on the rifle. :3
Some shots of the rifle and shield... You can also stash the knife in the top of the shield. (The Flextion doesn't have that little gimmick. I wonder why they put it here.)
Gunvehicle mode! (also, 1's angle from the other side)
This one's just a random shot, to finish off the review (until I paint him, anyway! X3):
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