Flextion #17: Deathscythe, the Knight of Darkness
Korean box:

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Unlike the other two Gundams with spirits, Deathscythe doesn't come with a Steel Dragon; only the bits of armor he wears. Sadness.
Straight out of the box, here's the contents:

Yes, that's a Power Rangers SPD ad in the corner. XD

The painted detail on Deed himself is good, though not complete; the detail on the wings and scythe, while molded excellently, are lacking paint (only the lines on the front of the wings are painted). I suppose it's nothing some good paint wouldn't fix...

The scythe and inside of the wings. On one side of the scythe, there is a pair of notches... They don't seem to fit on anything, so I wonder if a Steel Dragon toy /was/ meant to be. o.o

He doesn't come with a cape, but Zero Custom's cape does fit him... Perhaps if you got a second Zero Custom, and then painted that one's cape... ^^;
He doesn't come with his non-Dragon scythe either, so I gave him the one that came with the SD Deathscythe Hell Custom toy. ;>
And finally, something you wouldn't find in any official art; a Lacroan crest hidden under his "visor".
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