Gachapon: Four Sets
I'd give it a real title but I don't know what to call it D:
There are three Australian gachapon sets in blisterpack form, which also apparently were released in the US? I've only seen them on Ebay, though, never on store shelves. The fourth are the batch that come with the Gundamusai Flextion. :D This page will only cover the blisterboard packs, for the Gundamusai's set please check out its page.
This is all the ones I have:
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Set 1
My sets are all Australian (yay ebay!), so you get to see Aussieland's style of packaging. ;D

(Smaller version with camera flash - Back)

Left to right: SDG Ball, SDG GM, Captain Gundam, Gundiver, Zapper Zaku

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Mixed Party

All the Aussie gachapon~

The Dark Axis!

Everyone Neotopian, including the ones from the Gundamusai.
...and flowerboy Zapper.

Lots of Lacroans...

And a pair of Bakus.
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